Comprehensive prevention of summer corn diseases, pests and weeds

According to predictions, the pests and diseases that pose a threat to the production of summer corn this year are: underground pests, planthoppers, thrips, swat flies, aphids, ploughing of sunflowers, corn rough dwarfs, brown spot and weeds. How to seize the critical period of prevention and control technologies and comprehensively control the pests and diseases, we propose the following key prevention and control technologies. First, a reasonable adjustment of sowing date in the recurrence of maize rough dwarf disease, can be appropriate late sowing, so that the corn is most sensitive to the disease during the growth period, avoid the emergence of adult Smilax cricket, in order to reduce the incidence. Second, do a good job seed seed treatment to promote seed coating technology, uncoated seeds should use seed dressing. It can use 40% methylisothiphos EC 100ml or 50% phoxim EC 100ml, add water 2.5kg, mix corn seed 50kg, heap stuffy for 4-6 hours, dry after sowing, can effectively control underground pests, It also treats the planthopper and prevents corn rough dwarf disease. Use 2.5% Shiloh suspension seed coating agent (fludioxonil) 100-200 ml plus appropriate amount of water, mix corn seed 100 kg, or 2% tebuconazole wet seed dressing agent 400-600 g, mix corn seed 100 kg, Can prevent smut, smut and other diseases. In the mixed area of ​​pests and diseases, the above insecticides and fungicides can be mixed and seeded. However, insecticides should be mixed and the seeds should be stuffed and dried, and then mixed with fungicides. Third, effectively grasp the chemical weeding technology before sowing before sowing, with 40% EtOH mixture per mu 150 to 200 ml, 50 to 80 kg of water sprayed, soil closure treatment. When the herb is applied in the field, it can be added with 20% paraquat in 100-150 ml, which can prevent unwounded weeds and kill field grass. The soil should be kept at a good humidity when the soil is closed, and the wheat stubble harvested in the field is higher. The dosage and the amount of water should be appropriately increased. The soil with poor soil sealing effect or corn encounters more rain in the seedling stage. After the four-leaf and one-hearted period after the emergence of the summer corn, 40% of the jade can be used as a suspending agent (Nicosulfuron) 67-100 Ml, spray 25 to 35 kg of water. When using drugs must ensure that the amount of water, spraying should be uniform, avoid re-spray, and at the same time pay attention to the use of organic phosphorus pesticides within 7 days before and after the use of drugs to prevent the occurrence of drug injury. When the corn grows up to 8 leaves, such as the field weeds are prosperous, 20% paraquat 200 ml/mu can be used alone to spray the corn between the rows. When spraying, pay attention not to splash liquid on corn stems and leaves to avoid serious injury. Fourth, do a good grasp of seedling pests and diseases can be used 10% imidacloprid 1000 times or 5% acetamiprid 1500 times plus 4.5% beta cypermethrin spray, control of corn thrips, aphids, spurts, as well as swine fly, small tiger, Cotton bollworm, armyworm and so on. In the prevention and control of the planthopper at the same time, it can be used to control corn rough dwarf disease by spraying 1.5% Zhiyeling II 800-1000 times liquid or 20% virus A wettable powder 500 times liquid in every leaf stage of corn. Spraying once a day for 10 days has a certain effect on preventing disease and controlling the disease. Prevention and control of cultivating sunflower mealworms can use 40% chlorpyrifos, 40% omethoate or 50% phoxim EC 800 to 1000 times Irrigation, or remove the nozzle cover, spray corn roots and shoots. 5. In the big bell mouth period, it is important to control corn borer. In the big bell season of corn, use 50% phoxim EC 100 ml or Bt emulsion 200 ml plus appropriate amount of water mixed sand or fine stove ash 5 kg, stir well in the morning Or in the evening on the control of corn leaves in the prevention and treatment, can also be used 1% phoxim granules, 3% carbofuran granules spread in the heart of the prevention and treatment. 6. Prevention and treatment of diseases and pests in ear stage Ma 4.5% beta cypermethrin EC or 2.5% kungfu EC (cyhalothrin) 50 ml Water 30 kg spray to control bollworm, armyworm, corn borer; 800 times of 40% dimethoate Liquid or 1.8% avermectin 2000 times or 15% wolfberry 1500 times spray control spider mite; mu with 12.5% ​​diniconazole powder 30 grams, spraying 30 kilograms of water to prevent corn brown spot and other diseases, interval 5 to 7 days spray 1, even spray 2 to 3 times. The application of drip irrigation technology in vegetable cultivation Our province is a province with extremely scarce water resources and a province of vegetable production. Vegetables are also known as “water dishes” and are crops that require a large amount of water. They can be called “large draughts” for horticultural crops. For many years, the province's vegetable cultivation has mainly adopted the traditional flood irrigation or flood irrigation methods. These traditional irrigation methods not only cause a lot of waste of water resources, but also increase the probability of occurrence of pests and diseases due to excessive humidity, and produce pollution-free vegetables. Development has caused great obstacles. As an advanced scientific and efficient water-saving irrigation technology, drip irrigation technology has a good promotion prospect.

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