How to maintain the flowers

Flower selection tips: When you choose to buy potted plants, you can't just look at the good flowers. Instead, you should pick potted flowers that have more flowers. The lifespan of flowers that are already open may be almost the same. After buying home flowers, the flowers will soon fade. Not open longer. At the same time, we should choose a flower that grows vigorously. The flowers with thick leaves and dark green color indicate good nutrition.
During the Spring Festival, high-end flowers are counted as phalaenopsis and Cymbidium, and ordinary optional Christmas flowers, cyclamen, hyacinths, tulips, primroses, cineraria and other herbal potted plants. Daffodils are also a good choice.
The length of life of a flower at a suitable temperature is closely related to the speed of its metabolism and its nutritional status. The metabolic rate of a plant is related to the temperature of the environment in which it is located. The higher the room temperature metabolism, the shorter the life of the flower. Therefore, if you want to extend the life of flowers, you can not adjust the temperature of indoor air conditioning too high, of course, when the temperature is too low, the plant will be frostbite, can not open flowers, in the range of 10 °C ~ 20 °C is appropriate.
Phalaenopsis and Cymbidium, for example, are tropical orchids and have a high temperature requirement. If there is no air conditioning in the room, if the low temperature reaches below 5°C, there will be obvious frost damage. Normal room temperature cannot be lower than 10°C. Once it is frozen, the flowering season ends.
At the same time, when the room temperature increases, the relative humidity of the air will be significantly reduced, and the dry air environment is also very unfavorable to the growth of the plants. When the air is excessively dry, it can be remedied by spraying, humidifiers and other measures.
In the best location, the biggest problem in indoor flowering is insufficient light, and the flowering plants are not like the foliage plants. They generally like the sunshine. Therefore, we should consider giving more light. Only through photosynthesis can the plants have sufficient nutritional conditions. Only flower buds will be open. The light does not necessarily have to be outdoors. The winter sun has a low elevation angle. The sunlight is shot from the south-facing window. Just put the potted flower on the sunlit window sill and pull the curtain.
When the temperature is very low, the potted flowers are placed outdoors for sun exposure. Instead, the leaves and petals of the plants will be frosted. Therefore, it is not advisable to put the potted plants outdoors.
Of course, watering pots and pots in time is also an everyday task. However, such things as fertilization can generally be dispensed with. The fertilizer in pots and soils is sufficient for their growth.
In addition, potted plants such as red plum, waxberry, chaenomeles, and peduncles are generally not suitable for indoor viewing. They are good for balconies and courtyards.