Green feed blister fermentation

During the summer season, various green feed and wild plants thrived.

In rural areas, some pig farmers collect these green and juicy feeds to feed pigs. This practice should be strongly advocated. In addition to feeding the pigs with fresh green fodder, the green fodder can be blister-fermented and then fed to pigs. The effect will be better. The method of bluish green succulent fermentation is described below for your reference.

Collect the grass and wild vegetables or leaves, etc., and chop them into cylinders or concrete pools. Press the layers tightly, press the stones, and then fill with clear water. The water must be kept 2-3 inches past the feed without exposing the feed to the water. After immersed for 4-5 days, the lactic acid bacteria in the water and grass will grow into a slightly sour fermented feed.

This blistering fermented feed has a sweet and sour taste, and pigs like it very much. If it is possible to ferment fermented water, powdered water, bean curd residue, bran, distiller's grains, grain sugar, etc. into the tank or the pool, the effect will be better. The number of green succulent feeds is about 4-5 inches thick; bean curd residue, bran, distiller's grains, glutinous rice, etc. are 2-3 inches thick; the layers are pressed tightly, the stones are pressed, and then the drowning water, slurry water and clear water are added. Into the tank or tank, after 4-5 days of fermentation to feed the pig.

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