Kyoho Grape Management Technology

Jufeng is a medium-ripening grape variety, which is a tetraploid.

Spike large, large grain, single grain weight about 10 grams. It matures in late August. When it matures, it is dark purple, sweet and fruity. It has strawberry flavor, skin, meat and seeds are easily separated, and the sugar content is 16%. It has strong adaptability, good resistance to disease and cold, and good water. The average ear weight is 400-600 grams. The average fruit weight is about 12 grams and the maximum is 20 grams. The pericarp is thick, purple, with fruit powder, and the pulp is soft, sweet, juicy, and has a strawberry flavor.

In the middle of April in Pingyi, Longkou, Hebei and Changli, Hebei Province, it germinated in late May and matured in late July. The use of greenhouse cultivation, in early May, can be mature market.

Hunan Hengyang area is rich in such grapes.

Outside the province, the Malu area of ​​Shanghai is also rich in grapes of this species.

European and American hybrids. Native to Japan. In 1937, Okui Ikonda used a large-scale Kangbeier as a parent, and Sentian as a male parent for a tetraploid variety. It was introduced in 1959 in China. It has been widely promoted throughout the country and has become a popular cultivar popular among fruit farmers.

Measures to improve the quality of Kyoho grapes:

When the fruit of the variety matures, the fruit on the ear should be identical, with a grain weight of 10-14 grams, purple black, and fruit powder. The juice has more meat sac, sweet and sour, and strawberry flavor. However, in recent years, the quality of Kyoho grape has been declining. Some fruits have poor maturation, the size of the fruit is uneven, the coloring is poor, and the pulp is hard and sour; some of the fruit stems turn brown, wither, and the grapes rot. Seriously affected the market competitiveness of fresh grape Kyoho grape, brought a certain amount of economic losses to the majority of farmers. Therefore, we should take active measures to improve its proper quality.

First, to strengthen the management of fertilizer and water Kyoho grapes have a strong growth potential and require high requirements for fertilizer and water.

Generally, for each 100 kg of berry harvested, 1.5 kg of pure nitrogen, 1.0 kg of phosphorus, and 1.5 kg of potassium are required; at the same time, the water is sufficient during the growth of the berry to increase the fruit size and increase the yield. However, if the irrigation is excessive in the berry coloring to maturity, the fruit sugar content is low, the acidity is high, the coloring is poor, and the fruit cracking can easily induce gray mold and late rot, affecting the color, aroma and taste of Kyoho grapes and reducing their quality. Therefore, irrigation should be appropriate, especially to stop watering 15-20 days before picking. To control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to prevent the plants from causing greediness, branches and leaves closing, poor ventilation, and lack of light, so that the grape berry can not grow and mature normally, the fruit stems are crisp, the peel is thin, and the various germs are Poor resistance,. In this regard, in the berry coloring period, foliar spray 800 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, sprayed once every other half, can improve the quality of berries. After falling leaves in autumn, 2000-3000 kg per hectare of 2% phosphate fertilizer compost organic fertilizer. At this time, the ground temperature is higher, which is conducive to the decomposition of organic fertilizers and the absorption and utilization of nutrients by roots.

Second, a reasonable pruning Many fruit farmers in order to pursue high yields, summer is not sparse.

Without tipping, the nutrient supply is dispersed and the size and ripeness of the fruit are not uniform. When winter shears are cut lightly and long, many branches and vines are left, resulting in rapid upward movement of the resulting parts, and the ear is densely packed in the upper part of the rack. Due to excessive load and uneven distribution, malnutrition is difficult to form and high-quality fruit is difficult to form. Therefore, the Kyoho grape must be towed to the main tip in time before flowering to remove the shoots, so that the nutrients can be transmitted to the floral part more. At the same time, some of the inflorescences should be properly removed and the end should be removed 3-5 days before flowering. 1/4-1/5, so that nutrients can concentrate on the remaining fruit. Pruning of medium and long shoots is recommended in winter. It is advisable to leave about 10 to 15 new shoots per square meter, staggered up and down to ensure that the grape growth per panicle reaches 15-25 leaves, and the yield per mu is controlled within 2500 kg. In this way, the ear can be tightly packed, the fruit pieces can be neat, the ripening can be uniform, and the flavor and color of the berry can be improved.

Third, the prevention and control of pests and diseases During winter cuts, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the pastoral areas and eliminate various pathogens.

Spray 5 bumeido lime sulfur binders before spring to germinate, control powdery mildew and felt disease; spray 200 times Bordeaux mixture for one week after flowering to prevent blackpox; spray every 10-15 days starting in early June 600-800 times 50% of the fungicidal special 3-4 times, and during the spraying of 400 times aluminum phosphorus aluminum against the downy mildew, spraying 1000-1500 times 40% of dimethoate cream to prevent floating dust and other pests. If a grapevine is found to be harmed on the branches, 50% of the dichlorvos may be poured into the borehole, and then the wormholes may be closed with clay. In order to prevent the contamination of pesticides after the market is put on the market, spraying pesticides should be stopped about half a month before picking.

Fourth, timely picking Kyoho grape growth date is 130-150 days, the effective accumulated temperature is 3000-3200 °C, in the case of a variety of appropriate cultivation practices, usually beginning in early July coloring, mature in late August.

However, in order to seize the table grape market, some fruit growers picked and marketed the Kyoho grapes in early August. As a result, berries are immature green fruits with low sugar and aromatic content. Only in late August, when the grape berries are purple, the sugar content is above 15%, the acid content is 0.6%-0.8%, and the scent is relatively strong. In order to reduce the infection of gray mold, spraying 700-800 times thiophanate methyl to 7-10 days before picking can significantly reduce the incidence of Kyoho grapes during storage and marketing.

Picking should be done in the morning or in the afternoon after the dew is dry. Cloudy or foggy days should not be harvested to try to eliminate the heat and humidity brought by the grapes from the field. At the same time, they should be cut lightly to avoid breaking the fruit and wipe it. Fruit powder.

Medical Cold Patch
Throat Pain Relief Patch
[Name] Medical Cold Patch
[Package Dimension] 36 round pieces
The Pain Relief Patch is composed of three layers, namely, backing lining, middle gel and protective film. It is free from pharmacological, immunological or metabolic ingredients.
[Scope of Application] For cold physiotherapy, closed soft tissue only.
The patches give fast acting pain relief for acute and chronic tonsillitis.
[How To Use a Patch]
Please follow the Schematic Diagram. One piece, one time.
The curing effect of each piece can last for 6-8 hours.
Do not apply the patch on the problematic skin, such as wounds, eczema, dermatitis,or in the eyes. People allergic to herbs and the pregnant are advised not to use the medication. If swelling or irritation occurs, please stop using and if any of these effects persist or worsen.notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Children using the patch must be supervised by adults.
[Storage Conditions] Store below 30c in a dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.

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Shandong XiJieYiTong International Trade Co.,Ltd. ,