Tomato seedling fertilization scheme

Tomato seedling fertilization plan

Jin a Baby "Miao Jian Zhuang" - a new special microbial preparation for seedling cultivation, based on the principle of plant nutrition and soil ecology, using the latest international microbiological engineering technology achievements, combined with the company's own patented technology, specifically for fruits, vegetables, seedlings and flowers The nutrient demand characteristics of various economic crops, such as herbs and medicinal plants, are well-designed to protect the seedlings. Jinbao Miao Jian Zhuang is mainly suitable for the cultivation of seedlings, seedlings, transplanting seedlings and plantings of economic crops such as melons and fruits, vegetables, seedlings, flowers and herbs, etc. The effect is unique and cost-effective. Its functional characteristics are as follows: 1 "Live" is the head, non-toxic and harmless jinbao "Miao Jianzhuang" is a new type of green microbial preparation made of "live" micro-organisms and compounded by high-tech technology. With live microorganisms and their metabolites play a role without any side effects. 2 "four" integration, nutrient balance product set active functional micro-organisms, organic matter, inorganic nutrition, trace elements "four" in one, the role of non-single fertilizer, fertilizer, or other single nutrient element fertilizer comparable. 3 Miao Qi Miao Zhuang, prevention and health promotion Jinbao Miao Jian Zhuang rich in active and functional micro-organisms, metabolites of functional microbes, and many other nutrients, can significantly promote the main root elongation and thickening of seedlings, increased lateral roots, significantly The occurrence of diseases such as “failure disease” and “wild blight”, which are susceptible to the seedling stage, are prevented, so that the crops will emerge neatly, do not burn seedlings, and will not grow long enough to form strong seedlings as soon as possible. 4 Mature in advance, high-yield and stable production using Jinbao Miao Jianzhuang nursery, can make flowering and maturity are accordingly ahead of time, and significantly increase production, improve crop quality, increase production and income.

Based on the first generation of the old product, the golden baby microbial fertilizer has undergone major new improvements. The purification and rejuvenation of strains has been further optimized. Trace elements have been added, and dosage forms have gradually developed from powders to granules and water formulations. The number of effective functional live bacteria is much higher than the national standard. The following features are as follows: 1 Increasing production and increasing income can increase the production of economic crops by more than 20%, increase field crops by 10%, and 2 increase soil fertility to activate soil, reduce nutrient fixation or loss, improve soil structure, maintain nutrient balance, and reduce pollution; Trace elements and stimulating hormone stimulate the growth and development of crop roots and enhance the ability to resist disease, resist drought and resist cold. 4 Early maturity High product quality is improved, mature period is advanced, waste fruit and defective fruit are greatly reduced, and product rate rate of finished product is improved. 5 Reduce costs and increase efficiency Reduce fertilizer use by about 30%, increase utilization of chemical fertilizers, and reduce costs. The input-output ratio is more than 1:10.

According to the actual situation of your office, we use the following methods:

1, all use the Jinbao Miaojianzhuang: 3000-4000 seedlings can be used with a package (500g) seedling strong, a total of 2000 to 2500 bags of products, Miao Jianzhuang market retail price of 15 yuan, the wholesale price of 10 yuan / bag.

2. One-half of the seedlings' strong and healthy dosage supplemented with fungicide: This seedling is strong and robust, with 1000-1300 bags, while the amount of fungus fertilizer is twice that of seedlings, and the price of 2000-25000 bags (500g) of fungicide is retail. Price 10 yuan per pack, 2000 packs or 1 ton can be 12,000.

3. Replace one third of the dosage of seedlings with bacterial fertilizer, that is, 1,400-1,700 bags of seedlings and 1,400-1,700 bags of fungicide.

Recommended: stone tomato seed a mu with four packs of seeds (2g/pack) count 8g.

The market retail price is 100 yuan/g, and the wholesale price can be 60 yuan/g.

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Jiangxi Institute of Biological Products Inc. ,