Two issues need to pay attention when planting summer tomatoes

The summer tomato growth period is in the high temperature season, virus disease, stem rot, and epidemic diseases such as M. blight, and outbreaks of aphids, whiteflies, aphids, and other pests, and the effects of high temperature, strong light, and dry environment, often lead to oversea tomatoes. The management of the planting industry has been very difficult, which has caused farmers' friends to suffer a lot of headaches. At present, it is time for the planting of tomato in the summer. Given the past experience and lessons learned, the author believes that the following two issues should be noted.

It is not only prone to cause turbid water to pick up roots, but also to cause the epidemic of soil-borne diseases. Therefore, it should be changed to ridge cultivation. If you have now cultivated flat ridges, you can combine cultivating soil to make the ridges become ridgebacks. Generally, the soil is divided into 2~3 times to prevent root overgrowth caused by one-time soil overage.

Changing the pruning method to high temperatures in summer, and performing pruning and pruning by successively picking up the heart, can solve problems such as leggy and poor results caused by direct pruning and pruning. When the first and second inflorescences bloom one after another, leave two leaves topping above the second inflorescence. Choose one of the most robust collaterals to keep growing as the stem grows. Using the method of continuous picking and processing, it can form a compact and curved plant type, which is beneficial to reduce the danger of high light and high temperature, so that the yield is higher and the quality is better.

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