Measures to Improve Production and Quality of Hybrid Maize Seed Production

Xinjiang's unique natural conditions are very suitable for the production of high-quality hybrid maize seeds. Hybrid corn seed production has become an advantageous industry in Xinjiang, and in some areas it has even become a pillar industry of the local planting industry. However, in recent years, there have been frequent occurrences of non-compliance of the purity of hybrid corn seeds in our region, which has seriously damaged the reputation of the seed production base and also affected the growth of the yield potential of the fine varieties. It has caused seed management, production, and management and the relevant departments attach great importance. How do I improve the quality of hybrid corn seed?
1 Selecting high-quality inbred lines to select high-purity inbred parents is one of the fundamental measures to improve the purity of hybrid corn seed production. The original species of inbred parental seeds must be strictly in accordance with the "three-reserve system" or "secondary system" requirements. Inbred parental seeds must have a certain reserve, generally adopting a method of breeding and batch use. The purity of the parent seed is required to be above 99%, the degree of seed coating agent is above 98%, and the germination rate is above 85%. The original species production should be assigned to the responsible person. And establish and improve the original species production file. The seed is preferably coated with a seed coating agent to effectively control underground pests.
Segregation of corn in selected areas is a cross-pollination crop, and the natural hybridization rate is more than 95%, and it is prone to bio-mixing. Should be based on the natural conditions of the production base. Select the appropriate isolation method. The separation of the system space should be guaranteed to be above 500m to achieve the purpose of safe isolation. If there are obstacles such as high stalk crops or forest hills, the isolation zone can be appropriately reduced. If there is a large area of ​​other corn growing on the top, the isolation distance should also be increased. Time isolation must be experimented and generally takes more than 40 days. It is forbidden to stock bees within 4 km of the farming area.
(3) Strictly eliminate impurities. Plants (ears) that do not meet the typical characteristics of the parents are all hybrid (spinal) and must be completely removed. The general miscellaneous seedling stage, loose powder, and threshing three times should be followed. Seedlings to miscellaneous mainly based on the seedling leaf shape, leaf color, leaf sheath color, leaf margin is too small, hair and other characteristics of characteristics, in the Dingmiao completely go miscellaneous once, at the same time pulling out of the growing large seedlings or too weak seedlings. The second time the hybrid was mixed with the first emasculation before pulling male powder, mainly based on the leaf color, leaf width, plant height, shortness, tassel size, and ear position. It can also be used to remove impurities based on tassel branching, anther color, and filament color during emasculation. Generally, the hybrid plants grow vigorously and are higher than normal plants. Miscellaneous fields should be repeated, try to do it thoroughly. The third impurity removal is to perform panicle-by-ear spike selection based on the characteristic characteristics of the varieties such as ear type, grain type, grain color, and axis color before harvesting to ensure that the seed purity meets regulatory requirements.
(4) Touching male fertility The male parent is the key technical aspect of guaranteeing the purity of seeds. It should be timely, cleanly and thoroughly cast off before the maternal tassel loose powder. Request to bring leaves (one or two leaves) to touch emasculation, that is, before the mother's tassels bloom, use the thumb and index finger as far as possible to reach the heart leaves and remove the tassels with one or two leaves. This can effectively control the chance of self-inflicted due to pumping and loose powder in time, increase seed production purity, and also can save nutrients, which is conducive to the development of the ear and increase the seed setting rate. Rain or shine. The tassels that are removed are buried underground or taken out of the farm to be properly treated.
5 The parental parent pollination ends. The father completed his mission of supplying powder, and the father's strain was promptly removed. This will not only reduce water and fertilizer consumption, reduce nutrient consumption, but also improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions of the mother plant, which will help improve the maternal yield; the most important thing is that it can effectively avoid seed mixing during harvest and ensure the purity of the hybrid seed.

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