Fresh watermelon preservation method

First, use the sand preservation method. After 40-50 days of storage, it can maintain its color, aroma, taste and nutrition. Specific methods: Select light and air-transmitting houses, clean, use a fine river sand bottom 70 centimeters, grab a sunny evening or cloudy day to harvest seven mature watermelons, require melon form positive, no damage, no pests, each watermelon The three vines were cut at a distance of 33 centimeters from the ends of the vine, and the incisions were immediately stained with hay ash to prevent bacterial invasion. Each vine leaves a green leaf, the watermelon is discharged on the sand bed, and then covered with fine river sand, covered with watermelon 5 centimeters thick, three pieces of melon leaves exposed outside the sand. Should pay attention to a few issues: 1. Handle the watermelon gently, lightly, gently, to prevent damage to the watermelon rind. 2. The sand bed stores only one layer of watermelon to prevent crushing. 3. Every 10 days, 50 kg of monobasic potassium phosphate and 50 kg of water were used for foliar dressing to keep the leaves green. 4. The surface of the sand is dry when it is white, spray water to increase the humidity. 5. Sand beds are made on that day, harvested, transported, and stored on that day. Second, ozone preservation law. Select the robust, melon-shaped, melon-shaped, disease-free spots, sixty-seven ripe watermelons, cut out the vines, and put on the melons to avoid vibrations or bumps and transport them to the storage pits. The cellar is disinfected first, watermelon is stored in grades, and it is padded with a soft straw mat. Do not touch the ground or the plastic film directly. Cover the soft and soft straw bag to prevent dust and water droplets from falling onto the melon. It is better to keep it at 4°C during storage. Breathing is stronger than 5°C, and frozen below 3°C. With the change of day and night temperature changes in time to increase the thermal layer, the humidity remained at 85%. Appropriate oxygen release, regular reshipment. Ozone can be applied to seal and kill bacteria. 150 kilograms of watermelon need 20 grams of ozone every day and night, every 12 hours, once every 15 minutes, cast 10 grams. Every 5 days wear clean gloves gently turn the melon once and find that the diseased melons were picked out in time. Storage of watermelon can not store other fruits or vegetables at the same time in the cellar. Third, the availability of storage. Choose a cool, ventilated, empty house and disinfect with 40% formalin 150-200 dilution. At the same time, the stalks and skins of the stored watermelons should also be smeared, and then a 6% copper sulphate solution should be sprayed to prevent bacterial lice disease from invading the vascular bundles to the inside of the fruits. The ground is first covered with a layer of sterile reeds. Then the watermelon is placed in a single layer in a long position. The doors and windows of the room are closed during the day and opened at night. The room temperature is maintained at 15-16°C and the relative humidity is about 80%. When the ground is dry, it can be sprayed properly. This method can be stored for 1 month and its color and quality are similar to those of freshly harvested watermelons. Fourth, cellar storage. Choose a place with high dryness and a solid soil structure. Dig a small cellar with a small mouthful, a large mouth and a shape similar to a gourd. It is about 3 meters deep. At the bottom, a 1cm thick layer of fine sand is used, with 200 times the amount of oxidative music. Fruit and 150-200 times the formalin solution are sterilized, and then cool and put the melons into storage. Around the cellar, the original position of the watermelon growth was layered and placed in the middle to allow space for inspection and handling. The cellar mouth stays 1 meter square and rises slightly above the ground. It is used to support shades and shades. The cellar temperature is maintained at about 15°C and the carbon dioxide concentration is between 2% and 4%. Stored in this way, fresh up to 3 months. Fifth, storage of silicone rubber film container bags. It is a closed bag made of 0.15-0.18 mm thick polyethylene plastic film. It has a certain area of ​​silicone rubber gas exchange window, and has a high selectivity for carbon dioxide, oxygen, etc., so that it can maintain the container bag. Certain oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations, and play a role in automatic regulation. For different varieties and ripeness of watermelon, as long as the adjustment of the silicon window, you can achieve the purpose of safe storage. Saving watermelons in this way simplifies management, increases storage, and costs less. Six, salt preservation. Choose mature medium-sized watermelon, soaked in 15% salt water, then pick up and dry it, then seal it in a polyethylene pocket, and hide it in a cellar. You can also set a wooden container in the cellar and place the watermelon in it. Inside the box. Using this method to store fresh watermelon, the skin of the watermelon is still fresh and tender as it was taken out in a year. It is sweet and delicious, and its taste is not changed. This method can also be used for preservation of grapes, cucumbers, apples, etc.

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