Winter plastic greenhouse pig breeding

In general, the temperature suitable for the growth of finishing pigs is 14 to 23°C, especially 16 to 18°C. The temperature suitable for the growth of young pigs and piglets is slightly higher. In China (especially in some northern provinces and regions), the temperature during the four months to five months within one year is lower than the temperature needed for pig growth, especially in January. At present, most of the pig houses in rural areas are open type, and the temperatures in the winter and outside the house are basically the same. This not only affects the growth of the pigs, but also causes the pigs to eat a lot of calories due to a large amount of heat loss in the pigs, which consumes feed and raises the cost of raising the animals. Therefore, we should vigorously promote and promote the use of plastic greenhouses to raise pigs. The method is: covering the open area outside the ring with a plastic film, covering the plastic film according to the condition of the housing and wall of the pig house. The coverage should be strict. The humidity in the covered circle is easy to be excessive, the wall must have a urine discharge port, the excrement should be promptly removed, and the ventilation and ventilation should be uncovered in a timely manner so as to keep the circle clean and sanitary. Generally used semi-closed, with a corridor of the pig house, so that a reliable north side of the pig house to set a wide 80 cm to 100 cm work corridor, its advantages are ventilation, insulation, moisture, fresh air, simple structure, low cost, easy to work .

An active ingredient (AI) is the ingredient in a pharmaceutical drug that is biologically active. The similar terms active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and bulk active are also used in medicine, and the term active substance may be used for natural products. Some medication products may contain more than one active ingredient. The traditional word for the API is pharmacon or pharmakon (from Greek: φάρμακον, adapted from pharmacos) which originally denoted a magical substance or drug.

The term active constituent is often chosen when referring to the active substance of interest in a plant (such as salicylic acid in willow bark or arecoline in areca nuts), because the word ingredient in many minds connotes a sense of human agency (that is, something that a person combines with other substances), whereas the natural products present in plants were not added by any human agency but rather occurred naturally ("a plant doesn't have ingredients").

In contrast with the active ingredients, the inactive ingredients are usually called excipients in pharmaceutical contexts. The main excipient that serves as a medium for conveying the active ingredient is usually called the vehicle. Petrolatum and mineral oil are common vehicles.

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Jinan Jianfeng Chemical Co., Ltd. ,