Tomato asexual rapid propagation

The cultivation of age-appropriate seedlings in tomato production is the basis for high yields. Seed-raising with seeds has high costs, long seedlings, and is prone to problems. Moreover, seeds of imported varieties are expensive and the cost of raising seedlings is high. In practice, we gradually explored the method of using aphid cuttings on tomato plants to conduct asexual propagation techniques, which greatly shortened the seedling cycle, reduced the investment, and was genetically stable, opening up new avenues for tomato production. Nursery bed preparation: General seedbed length 6-8,1.5-1 meters, bed 20 centimeters thick river sand or sand, before cutting the seedlings with a fungicide, thoroughly sterilized. The selection of mother plants: high-risk disease, early and late blight, keratoderma and gray mold, strong growth of tomato varieties, such as cooperation 908, L-402, Jiafen 17 and other late-maturing varieties. On healthy plants without pests and diseases, keep strong branches. Adoption and treatment of cuttings: When the branches left in the year grow to 5-7 true leaves, gently squat down, cut the lower 1-2 leaves, and soak in the pre-prepared streptomycin solution for 2-3 minutes. . Streptomycin solution was prepared by adding 1 million units of agricultural streptomycin to 1 kilogram of water to make a solution. The seedbed was soaked in water before cuttings, and the shoots soaked in the streptomycin solution were inserted into the well-prepared seedbeds. The cutting depth was 3-5 cm and the row spacing was 8-10 cm square. Cutting management: After the branch is inserted into the seedbed, use a watering can to lightly spray the water for 1 time. During the cool season, cover the shed to keep moist and cover the opaque covering. During the warm season, the arch shed is not covered, but only moisture and shade. Within 1-3 days, a small amount of water is sprayed depending on the degree of leaf wilting to increase the air humidity. When the light is weak in the morning or evening, the opaque cover is removed and the seedlings are exposed to light. After 3 days, the degree of wilting of the leaves was gradually removed. The opacity covering was gradually removed and the light was increased. During the whole period of raising seedlings, the temperature in the seedbed was maintained at 28-30°C, the relative humidity of the air was maintained at about 95%, and the seedbed was not visible and could not be accumulated. Water, so cutting seedlings are most likely to take root. When the cover is completely removed and the seedlings are no longer wilting, it indicates that the seedlings have taken root. At this time, a 0.5-0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and urea mixture should be sprayed once every 3-5 days for foliar supplementation to promote vigorous seedling growth. Transplanting and planting: After 15-20 days, the plants have grown a large number of root systems, and the above-ground plants grow robustly, and when they have begun to bud, they can be planted in Daejeon. Generally, seedlings propagated per acre seedbed can supply 15 acres of field planting. use.


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