Camellia anthracnose

Camellia anthracnose commonly occurs in China's Camellia production areas, causing serious fruit drop, buds, leaves, branches and even whole plant decline. Disease drop rate is usually about 20%, more than 40% serious. Although the late-stage disease fruit can be harvested, the seed oil content is only half that of healthy seeds. Symptoms: Germs are harmful fruit, leaves, shoots, flower buds, and leaf buds. In the initial stage of fruit damage, small brown spots appeared on the skin and gradually expanded into black round lesions. Sometimes several lesions were connected in an irregular shape with no obvious edges, and black spots appeared on the later stages of the lesions. This was the pathogen. Conidia plate. When air humidity is high, the diseased part produces a viscous pink conidia pile. Disease cracks easily. The young leaves are affected. The lesions are mostly on the leaf margin or tip, semicircular or irregularly shaped, dark brown, with water-stained ring veins, purplish-red edges, and later sickness subsidence. The lesion center is gray and white. Rotary black spots. Branching victims, lesions occur at the base of new shoots, a few in the middle of the tip, oval or spindle-shaped, slightly depressed, the edges pale red, dark brown later lesions, the middle gray, black spots on it, the cortex longitudinal cracking If the lesions shoot for a week, the shoots will die. The lesions on the branches were spindle-shaped ulcers or irregular depressions. The cortex was peeled and the xylem became black. Flower buds and leaf buds are black or yellow-brown, with no obvious edges. They are grayish in the later stages, and give rise to black spots. When the buds are budding, the pathogens are severe: Glomerella cingulata (Glomerella cingulata) is caused by the sclerotium, spheropyma, and treatment. Fungal infections caused by the genus Mycovaceae and small cysts. The asexual generation of the germs is Streptocervus sp., which is mainly infected by asexual spores. Conidia cells, oblong, 12-244-6 microns. The sexual generation ascospora was black, slightly oblong, scattered and semi-buried in the host tissue, with a diameter of 86-189.2111.8-197.8 microns. Ascospores are colorless, clavate, with 8 ascospores, single cells, colorless or pale, elliptical or spindle-shaped, size 15.275.67 microns. Anthrax strains have a wide range of temperature adaptation. Mycelium begins to grow at 10°C and stops at 38°C. The optimum temperature is 28°C. Incidence of the law: Camellia anthracnose bacteria with hyphae or conidia in the diseased leaves, disease buds, disease buds, dry flowers, diseased fruit, stalk or diseased branches overwintering. In the spring of the second year, when the temperature and humidity are appropriate, the conidia spread by wind and rain or insects, invade from the wound and the natural orifice, and the incubation period is 5-17 days. The disease usually begins in early April every year. It first damages young leaves and young shoots. The pathogenic bacteria infested the fruit from mid-May to June, and the most fruit was dropped from August to September. In October, the buds were damaged and the disease buds fell off. The occurrence and spread of diseases are related to temperature and humidity. When the average temperature reached 20°C on the tenth day and the relative humidity reached 86%, the onset occurred. At 25-30°C and 88% relative humidity, the onset peak occurred. The number and duration of rains during summer and autumn were closely related to the spread and seriousness of the disease. Relevant, long years of rain, heavy rainfall in the year, the disease is serious, and vice versa is light. The incidence of anthracnose in Camellia oleifera is generally higher than that of mountains, and the sun slope is higher than the shady slope. The mountain foot is higher than the top of the mountain. The forest edge is higher than the forest, and the forest is higher than the young forest. The miscellaneous species of Camellia oleifera is very inappropriate. Excessive application of nitrogenous fertilizer during the onset of the disease will often aggravate the disease. The resistance to different types of Camellia oleifera was different. The resistance of Camellia oleifera Camellia and Camellia oleifera was strong. The common Camellia oleifera was susceptible to disease and the purplish red fruit was resistant to disease. Control methods: Camellia anthracnose has a long onset time, has a wide source of infection, and has many affected parts. It has a large area of ​​damage. It is necessary to adopt comprehensive prevention and control measures and persist for several years before it can receive expected control effects. (1) In the Camellia oleifera forest, the historical disease strains were identified and dug in the winter and spring to replant. Severe diseased areas or in serious wards, combined with oil tea rejuvenation pruning, remove diseased branches, diseased leaves, shoots, diseased fruit and disease buds, to minimize the source of initial infection. (2) The density of Camellia oleifera forest should not be too large, so as to allow ventilation and light transmission and reduce the humidity in the forest. If you want to breed, you need to choose dwarf crops, avoid using high-crop crops, in order to create environmental conditions that are not conducive to the growth and development of pathogens. It is not appropriate to apply more nitrogenous fertilizers during the onset of disease. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be applied in order to increase the resistance of plants. (3) After the growth of new shoots in early spring, spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture. In May-September disease period, 75% Chlorothalonil 1000-fold solution, 50% Trichoderma spp. 800-fold solution, or 20% tricyclazole 600-fold solution can be used. (4) Newly developed Camellia oleifera forest regions should be selected for breeding or promotion of disease-resistant varieties. High-yield, high-yielding strains such as Camellia oleifera or common oil tea.

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There are various forms of steroids however, the origianl form is Raw Steroids , which is in powder form, there also forms like pills, capsules and oils. However, Steroid Powders is the cheapest one and is populare among experienced bodybuilders. 

Winstrol is one of the most popular cutting steroids, usually in both oral and injectable form, but both come from Winstrol Raws . Winstrol is able to lower Sex-Hormon-Binding-Globulin (SHBG), which can increase free Testosterone. It`s also good for boosting red blood cells which gives your muscle more oxygen. 

The best oral Cutting Cycle Steroids is anavar, it`s also the best steroids for women because it`s relatively safer, and is side effect friendly. It helps in preserving lean tissue while during the dieting phase, besides this, when on anaver cycle, you can burn fat at a more efficient rate. So that`s the reason it`s quite popular for cutting. 

There are also others like trenbolone, Fluoxymesterone, Masteron, primobolan etc. Which are widely used in a cutting cycle, but among all these, testosterone is the most flexible and basice one. Stacking with trenbolone, winstrol and arimidex, it`s a complete cutting cycle. It`s well-known that China is the biggest country provding raw steroids, and Testosterone Raws is one of the best sellers. 

If you`re in the game for a while, you should know if you`d like to buy Steroid Powder , it`s better you search for Chinese supplers. You can find different sites offering raw steroids online, it`s imprtant to do enough servey before you actually place the order. Unavoidable there will be scammers online, so you`d better search the source you`re going to use on forums and any other method that can prove it`s a legit one. If you don`t know how to brew the powders, you can choose semi-finished oils, which is easier to handle than powders.

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