Sugarcane tipped winter storage of livestock is good

The content of crude protein in sugar cane tips is as high as 12%-13%, containing 16 amino acids and many sugars. In winter storage, through anaerobic fermentation such as lactic acid bacteria, the sugar in the tip of cane will gradually be converted into organic acid (lactic acid). When the lactic acid reaches a certain concentration, the nutrients in the sugar cane tip are inhibited from being destroyed by other microorganisms. So that the tip of the cane can keep green, juicy, and nutritional value unchanged. Therefore, the winter cane tip is a good solution to the contradiction between lack of green feed and livestock in winter and early spring. Timely winter storage only fresh sugar cane tip is rich in nutrients, containing large amounts of chlorophyll, amino acids, crude protein and sugar. After drying out, these nutrients will be destroyed and even converted into toxic substances, which will cultivate a large number of harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites. Therefore, you should choose before freezing, preferably before the frost, when the cane tip is still green when the winter storage. Prepare the container Because winter storage is to create an oxygen-free environment to ensure the fermentation of anaerobic bacteria, the general requirements for the winter storage container are airtight and do not allow water to enter and be used gradually. Three containers are commonly used: The first is to dig the kiln. To choose a high ground, the groundwater level is low, and dig the kiln where it is sunny. The kiln digs into a square shape, which is 100-150 cm deep and 60-80 cm wide. The length is not limited. The second is to build pools with concrete and red bricks. The third is to use abandoned houses. The ground and walls can be covered with agricultural film. In addition, you can also use plastic bags, large cylinders, large jars and other containers. The chopped seal tightly cuts the cane tip into pieces about one square centimeter in size. Shred and put it in the container and press it tightly. Finally cover with agricultural film and seal with 10-30 cm thick river sand or mud. Ditch the drainage about one meter around to prevent the infiltration of rainwater. Do not open the seal before use to avoid intake air, damage anaerobic environment. Scientific use of winter storage can be opened after 50-60 days. It can only be opened, and it can be gradually accessed in stages. If mildew is found after unsealing, mildew should be removed. If it is found to be yellow-green in colour, soft and juicy, and scented, it is superior. Can be directly fed cattle, sheep, rabbits, geese and other herbivorous livestock, but also can add some fine material. When starting feeding, it should be increased from small to large, and gradually increased; For example, when feeding northern beef cattle, due to unaccustomed habits, it may begin to appear excessive beef cattle excrement, but no serious problem, can be appropriate in the winter cane tip mix some hay and concentrate feed can be. China Agricultural Network Editor

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