Pay attention to the application of trace fertilizer and organic fertilizer in fruit production

Micro-fertilizer refers to the fertilizer containing trace elements that affect the growth and development of fruit trees. Although the demand for these trace elements in fruit trees is small, these trace elements have an important influence on the growth and development of fruit trees and the quality of fruit. Therefore, the production of high-quality high-grade fruit can not be separated from the application of these trace fertilizers. Micronutrients should focus on strengthening the application of boron, zinc and calcium fertilizers. The main effects of boron and zinc fertilizers are to increase fruit coloring and improve fruit quality. In the specific application, attention should be paid to the application of boron and zinc fertilizers (applied in 5 cm to 10 cm soil layer) to facilitate root absorption; The second is that high temperature is conducive to the absorption of boron and zinc fertilizers in the roots. Therefore, the application time is appropriate from June to August. The main effect of calcium fertilizer is to increase fruit firmness. The time of application is firstly from 2 weeks to 3 weeks after flowering, and once every 5 days, calcium chloride is sprayed at a concentration of 0.5% to 1%, and sprayed twice or three times. Second, after harvesting the fruit, soaking the fruit with calcium chloride at a concentration of 3% for 20 minutes increases the firmness of the fruit and improves the storability of the fruit. In addition, according to the growth and development status of trees, fertilizers such as iron fertilizers, magnesium fertilizers, and manganese fertilizers should be applied at the right time to meet the demand of these fruit trees for these trace elements. The production of high-quality and high-grade fruit requires more organic fertilizer, and as little or no inorganic fertilizer as possible. In particular, the production of green fruits and organic fruits requires a large amount of organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer consists of a large number of biological substances, animal and plant residues, excreta, and biological waste. It consists of compost, manure, manure, biogas fertilizer, green manure, crop straw fertilizer, mud fertilizer, and cake fertilizer. In the application of organic fertilizer, we should seize the "early", "more", "mixed", "wide" and several other key. "Early" means that the application time of organic fertilizer is early. Before the fruit is harvested, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizer to the leaves before it is finished. The earlier this time, the better. Avoid spring application as much as possible so as not to affect fertilizer efficiency. Play; "multiple" refers to the increase in the amount of organic fertilizer applied to meet the needs of producing high-quality fruit, to change the past "pounds and nuts" in the amount of traditional organic fertilizer application, do "two to three jins of pound fruit fertilizer" "Mixing" means that when organic fertilizers are applied, they must be mixed with soil. It is necessary to change the method of directly applying organic fertilizers after digging up the ditch (holes). Instead, the fertilizer and some soils are fully mixed before being applied to the ditch ( In the hole), the depth of the application should not be too deep, and the soil layer of 20 cm to 40 cm is appropriate, so as to better exert the fertilizer effect and facilitate the absorption of the root system; "wide" refers to the application of organic fertilizer to widen the source of fertilizer. It is necessary to use local rich resources to diversify organic fertilizers and change the habit of relying solely on pigs (cattle, sheep, chickens, etc.) to grow fertilizer. Straw, leaves, distiller's grains, etc. are used as organic fertilizer sources to meet the demand for fruit trees and organic fertilizers. demand. China Agricultural Network Editor

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