What's more hot in summer?

Health in the beginning of the summer, water is also an important and indispensable fitness and longevity thing in the human body. It is not unreasonable to say that "people are watered". Water accounts for about 70% of human body weight, and traditional methods of health care are highly recommended for drinking cold boiled water. Experimental results also show. A cup of ordinary water is boiled, and the lid is cooled to room temperature. In the process of cooling and boiling, this cold water is reduced by 1/2 of the normal natural water. The surface tension, density, viscosity, and electrical conductivity of water are changed. It is very similar to biologically active cells. The water in it is easy to pass through the cells and has wonderful biological activity. However, apart from water, what should we eat for our health? What is better for starting health and eating?

What to eat in the beginning of the summer health: In addition to water, wine, soup, juice, etc. can be called drinks. Reasonable selection can play a good role in the body's physical fitness.

The summer heat declines in the middle of the summer, and there is more fumigation, water vapor, and moisture in the summer. In Chinese medicine, wet is Yin Xie, its sexual tendencies are lower, heavy turbidity is sticky, and it is easy to deter the qi machine, damage yang, and it is advisable to use dietetic medicated diet to clear away heat and relieve hot weather.

What to eat at the beginning of the summer: delicacies:

Clear eggplant:

[ingredients] tender eggplant 500 grams, 15 grams of coriander, garlic, rice vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, salt, pepper the right amount.

[practice] Wash the eggplant peeled, cut into small pieces, put it into a bowl, sprinkle with a little salt, and then cast into a cold water, soak it to the brown eggplant, remove it and put it in a steamer and steam it, remove and let cool; Put the wok on the heat, add sesame oil, and pour the flavor of the pepper, pour the oil into a small bowl, add soy sauce, sugar, rice vinegar, salt, monosodium glutamate, minced garlic, and stir into the sauce. Solanum slices; parsley choose clean, cut into pieces, sprinkled on the eggplant tablets, Serve.

[Efficacy] Clear heat, swelling and diuretic, spleen and stomach.

Note: The bean contains hemagglutinin A, which is a poisonous protein and its toxicity after heating can be greatly reduced. Therefore, the beans must be thoroughly penetrated to prevent poisoning.


[Ingredients] 1 tofu, soft beans 50 grams, 50 grams of tomatoes, 15 grams of fungus, sesame oil, vegetable oil, salt, MSG onion and the right amount.

[practice] Cut tofu, beans, tomatoes, and apricots. Add boiling water to the pot and separate the tofu, beans, tomatoes, and edible fungus (tomatoes are slightly hot), remove the water, and place it in a plate. Wok heat, into the vegetable oil, the pepper pot, bring out the fragrance, and then the diced green onion, salt, tomatoes, monosodium glutamate into the pot, stir, pour over the burned tofu, beans, edible fungus, topped with sesame oil Mix well.

[Efficacy] thirst, spleen clearing heat, detoxification and dampness.

Mung bean pumpkin soup:

[Ingredients] 50 grams of green beans, 500 grams of old pumpkin, a little salt.

[practice] Wash the mung bean water, add a little salt (about 3 grams) when the water is not dry, stir it for a few minutes, and rinse it with water. Peel the pumpkin, rinse it with water, and cut it into pieces 2 cm square for use. Add 500 ml of water to the pot. After boiling, boil green beans for 2 minutes. Drizzle a little cold water. Boil again. Place the pumpkin in a pan, cover with a lid, and boil for about 30 minutes with slow fire until the mung bean blossoms. Add a little salt to taste. You can.

[Efficacy] Mung bean cool, Qingshu, detoxification, diuresis; with pumpkin Sheng Jin Qi. It is the best meal for summer heatstroke.

Bitter Melon Chrysanthemum Porridge

[Ingredients] 100 grams of bitter gourd, 50 grams of chrysanthemum, 60 grams of rice, 100 grams of crystal sugar. [practice] Wash the bitter gourd and cut it into small pieces for use. Wash the glutinous rice and rinse the chrysanthemum. Put both in the pot, pour in the appropriate amount of clean water, and put it on a fire. After the water is boiled, put the bitter gourd and rock sugar in the pot and use the slow fire to cook until the rice blossoms. can.

[Efficacy] Qingli hot, only detoxification. Apply to heatstroke, thirst, dysentery embolism.

Note: When drinking this porridge, do not eat all warm, spicy, thick greasy things.

Glass Venlo Greenhouse

Glass Venlo Greenhouse is Spire-type glass design, design and installation of windows when more convenient and easy. Its roof slope andle can be appropriately according to the local real climate change the environment.
In Venlo greenhouse, foundation is made of reinforced concrete and the side wall is made of brick or reinforced concrete plate. the steel frame always use hot dip galvanized light steel. Roof beam adopts horizontal girder structure and using herringbone connection. The horizontal girder bears 2 or more roofs, which is made of aluminum alloy. This material is used as roof structure material and also glass inlay material. Other beams using gutter style to minimize the section. Delighting material of the roof and side wall using 4 mm thick float glass.

Glass Venlo Greenhouse,Flowers Glass Greenhouse,Nursery Glass Greenhouse,Vegetables Glass Greenhouse