Menopausal hot heat how to do more food 5 kinds of dry

Many menopause women have hot conditions. What should we do? In fact, as long as you pay more attention to your diet, you can easily reduce noise. Below, Xiao Bian will recommend some foods that can dry and hope to help everyone.

What do menopausal women eat?

1, milk

Milk is rich in calcium, and calcium inhibits the brain's excitement. When there is not enough calcium in the brain, it will be uneasy and agitated. Intake of calcium-rich foods, so that people can easily maintain a stable mood, while calcium can strengthen teeth and bones, prevent osteoporosis.

2, tomatoes

Tomatoes contain red Tomato, which is more easily absorbed by the body after cooking. It also helps prevent cancer and atherosclerosis. It also has a very good therapeutic effect on women's menopause and irritability.

3, soybeans

Soybean isoflavones in soybeans can reduce cholesterol and increase bone density. It is recommended that women drink 500 ml of soymilk or consume more than 100 grams of soy products per day. Adhering to 3 months can help delay aging and maintain the female body. Hormone balance.


A cleansing food, there is lungs, tonic, soothe the nerves. If women have mental disorders, hypophrenia, convulsions, insomnia, or insomnia during menopause, they are best used.

5, duck

Sweet and cool, it is a nourishing yin and clearing food. "Do not record" called it "tonic to eliminate heat." "In addition to interest in the diet spectrum," said duck meat can "five yin dirty, heat of the Qing dynasties." What food is good for menopause? Duck meat is the most suitable food for menopausal women who suffer from yin deficiency.


Menopause Diet Taboo

1, not eat spicy things pepper, pepper, mustard, Garlic and so on.

2. Do not eat hot things dog meat, lamb, litchi, apricot, etc., increase the internal heat after eating, so that insomnia, hot, thirsty and other symptoms more obvious.

3, avoid high-sugar, high-fat diet In order to prevent obesity and diabetes and other diseases, should not eat fat meat, animal fats, sugar and so on.

4, to drink less, less smoking, it is best not to drink hard alcohol, do not smoke. Because alcohol and nicotine can have adverse effects on the central nervous system.

Dried Flowering Tea

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