Anti-chilling management of strawberries is good for winter

How to cover insulation

Since the winter, strawberries have gradually entered dormancy. Strawberry roots are shallow, and winter can only tolerate low temperatures of -8°C and temperatures of -10°C for a short time. Freezing damage can occur when the temperature drops again. In severe cases, the plants die and the economic benefits decrease. The winter cold-proof measures for strawberry cultivation in winter are mainly covered by insulation. Overwintering and protecting the winter cover will help the growth of strawberries. However, if the effect of covering cold is not good, the performance will be late, the growth will be weak, and the yield will be significantly reduced.

Coverage time In the early winter of each year, when strawberries undergo a few frost-cryogenic exercises, the coverage is most suitable when the temperature drops to -7°C and the soil is “frozen and frozen overnight”. Generally held during November.

Coverage Method 1. Coverage time. Before the covering of the cold-proof materials, the anti-freezing water should be poured once. It must be filled thoroughly. Irrigation takes place during the period when the soil is about to enter the freezing period and the ground is covered one week after the irrigation. 2. Cover material. A variety of crop stalks, leaves, soft grass, decomposed horse manure, fine rags, etc. can be used. If the soil is covered with cold, it is best to coat a small amount of grass first, and then cover the soil so as to avoid damage to the strawberry seedlings when the soil is removed during spring. The thickness of the covering depends on the local climatic conditions and the insulation properties of the covering material. The general thickness is 3 to 5 cm. 3. Coverage method. Covering is best done in two separate steps. After pouring the frozen water, it is slightly dry and covered with a part of material. After a few days, the temperature will no longer rise and it will be completely covered. 4. Set wind barriers to prevent cold. In the densely planted strawberry garden where snow is stable, wind barriers can be set up to prevent cold without ground cover. Wind barriers are set every 10 to 15 meters, and materials such as sorghum stalks, corn stalks, and straw mats can be used. Barrier height 2 to 2.5 meters. Conditional available cold-proof cloth, color steel tile and other materials around the park set up wind barriers, the effect is also very good. 5. Remove cover period. It is generally performed twice in the spring after the chilling season in the following year. The first time when the average temperature is above 0°C, remove the thawed cover. In the case of excessive rain and snow in winter, it must be promptly removed to promote the thawing of the lower layer, which is conducive to sunlight and increase the temperature of the ground. The second time when the strawberry is about to germinate, do not remove the cold protection too late so as not to damage the new stem. 6. Using plastic film cover. After the strawberry is poured into the frozen water with a plastic film, the surface of the surface is covered by the direction of the earthworm when the surface is slightly dry. When the film is covered, the film must be stretched and laid out so that the film is tightly adhered to the surface of the dough. The soil around the film is tightly packed with soil. The middle is then covered with a small mound to prevent the wind from blowing through the film and then covering the cover. Or in areas with snow, direct covering of 10 cm thick wheat straw, thatch, straw and other materials on the strawberries and then covering the plastic film is better than covering the plastic film before covering the cover.

How to control the winter greenhouse

Strawberries are highly nutritious and highly effective products. In recent years, the area for planting strawberries has been expanding year by year, which has become an effective way for farmers to adjust planting structure and increase income. Here are the highlights of the winter management techniques for the strawberry steel racks.

The temperature and humidity management in the greenhouse shall reduce the humidity in the greenhouse as much as possible during the whole growth period, especially during the winter flowering period, the relative humidity should be reduced to 50% to 60%. After buckling the greenhouse for 7 to 10 days, the black mulch is covered on the surface of the mulch and all or part of the mulch is covered, which can effectively reduce the humidity in the shed, but also has the effects of heat preservation and weeding.

Fertilizer management will be applied once a year 20 days before and once a year after 1 year. Fertilization is often combined with irrigation. Irrigation generally uses under-film drip irrigation to reduce the humidity in the greenhouse. It is also possible to perforate the mulch at 20 to 25 centimeters along the middle of the plant surface, and then apply water through the mulch on the mulch. Flowing sideways into the bowl.

Diseases, pests, and weeds mainly include powdery mildew and gray mold. Powdery mildew was sprayed with 20% triadimefon WP 1000 times. The control of gray mold was selected after the baiting, and the smoking agent such as smoked smoke or smoked spirit was mainly smoked. Aphids were sprayed with 1500-fold solution of 5% beta-cypermethrin.

How to cultivate only high yield

The greenhouse strawberry cultivation is relatively easy and the economic benefits are high. The development of the whole country is very fast. Based on many years of experience, we now introduce high-yield practical cultivation techniques as follows.

The establishment of nursery colonization of mother plants, with the cultivated stalk seedlings in the past year, colonization of 700 to 800 per acre. In stalk processing, a female plant can reproduce 70 to 80 robust seedlings. The criteria for strong seedlings are that roots and stems are thicker than 1 cm, roots are 3-5 cm long, and there are 3-5 standard leaf blades. The plants are robust.

25 days before planting and planting, 5,000 kg of high-quality organic fertilizer per acre, 100-150 kg of biological potash, 30 cm of deep soil, 10-15 cm of ridging, 40-50 cm of ridge width, and ridge spacing 15-20 centimeters, north-south ridge, sunny, bactericidal insecticide, to prepare for planting.

The greenhouse shed is generally east-west oriented, with a shed length of 50-60 meters, a width of 7-8 meters, and a height of 2.5-3 meters. The time for picking the shed is determined according to the time when the fruit is harvested. Usually Baozao blooms 1 month after the early growth and shed, and after 1 month of flowering, the fruit begins to ripen. The harvest period is about 1 month. According to the required cooling capacity, the temperature can be raised in the shed in mid-October to mid-October.

Temperature management budding to early flowering, suitable temperature during the day is 20-30 °C; harvesting period of 8 °C or more; daytime temperature in the shed to hyperventilation, such as the outside temperature is too low, should put the top wind, stroke, can not put the end of the wind.

Flowering management optimum flowering temperature during the day 20-25 °C, night 5-6 °C, the minimum temperature can not be less than 3 °C; optimum humidity in the flowering shed is 50-60%, if too large, timely ventilation and humidification; flowering does not pour Water, no water spray; no fertilization, no spraying during flowering to prevent flowering victims; flowering bee pollination is required.

In addition, it is necessary to fertilize water and prevent diseases and pests in order to ensure the healthy growth of strawberries.

Pay attention to the results of the period

The fruiting period of strawberry fruiting requires 80% of the field water holding capacity, 12-15 hours of sunshine, and temperature of 18-26°C. Management should pay attention to the following points:

Topdressing 10 to 15 kg of urea or compound fertilizer per 667 square meters of land to accelerate plant growth, facilitate new leaf expansion and promote flowering results. Top dressing should be combined with watering to ensure that the soil is moist. The foliar spray of fruit is used to induce a single dose or 0.3-0.5% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate 2-3 times.

Picking stems to remove strawberry stems can increase production by 40%-50%. For the need of breeding, appropriate amount of stolons can be left. Excess stems consume large amounts of nutrients and affect subsequent flower bud differentiation. It should be removed once the stolons have just grown, and 3-4 times a year.

The flower that blooms on the inflorescence of the strawberry buds often does not form fruit, has no economic value and consumes nutrients. It is advisable to remove the buds when they are separated from each other to remove 1/5-1/4 of the inflorescence, and the weak inflorescence does not have to remain.

In addition to the continuous occurrence of new leaves in the year, the old leaves are successively yellow. In the flowering and fruiting period, the old leaves and diseased leaves should be removed promptly and wiped together with weakly growing lateral buds. In this way, nutrient consumption can be effectively reduced, and ventilation and light transmission between the strains can be enhanced.

Strawberry fruit plants are dwarf, and fruits are easily sag and touch the ground. They are contaminated by soil and pests, and cause uneven coloration. The countermeasures were: using chopped straw or wheat straw, laying around the plants. This is even more important in the absence of mulching film and rainy areas.

Prevent the occurrence of white powder and leaf spot disease and gray mold during the flowering period, can be sprayed with new high-fat film or 50% carbendazim 500 times, 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000 times, 20% rust emulsion 1500 times, 2% 夷Su Shui agent 200 times liquid and so on.

The insect pests can be used for aphids 50% Converse Wettable Powder 2000-000 times, or 2% King Star Emulsion 3000 times. If spider mites are found, they are sprayed with 5% Solan EC 2000 times or 20% LIU EC 1000 times. Note that pesticides are banned within 20 days before harvesting.

Suitable ripe strawberries are soft and juicy and must be harvested in time to avoid rot. The harvest can be arranged in stages, picking up once in the morning after the dew has dried in the morning and collecting the mature fruits. For fresh food and canned food, eight ripeness is appropriate. It is required that the flesh be hard, have a delicious color and a complete shape.

Field care methods

Shed sheds are covered with greenhouses, sheds, and sheds to help the wintering of strawberries. The shed time is based on the temperature, and the shed is generally detained in November. The optimal growth temperature of strawberry is about 25°C during the day and about 8°C at night. It cannot be lower than 0°C, otherwise it is prone to frost damage. The four-membrane cover promotes the high yield of cultivated strawberry, generally about 1,500 kilograms per mu, and the inflorescences are often used for pumping. The results are continuous, the market is early, the supply period is long, the benefit is high, and the harvest period lasts more than 5 months.

Fertilizer and water management on the basis of basal fertilization will also be applied thinly. Top dressing time and frequency are: 1. Inflorescence top fruit expansion period; 2. Top fruit began harvesting; 3. Top fruit harvest peak; 4. Inflorescence If the fruit begins to harvest, it will be conducted as appropriate. Top dressing combined with irrigation, drip irrigation with black film, can reduce air humidity and reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases.

Temperature and humidity and light regulation and control Use greenhouse ventilation to adjust the temperature and humidity, shed relative humidity should be 30% -60%, such as humidity can be placed in the shed to absorb moisture.
Plant management step by step: 1. Pick the leaves. The appropriate amount of timely removal of old leaves, timely removal of diseased leaves and destroy the deep buried. 2. In addition to stolons. The stolon consumes the nutrient of the mother plant and affects the ventilation and light transmission. After the removal, it is beneficial to flower bud differentiation and improve fruit quality. Manual removal or application of chlormequat. 3. Pollination. To reduce malformed fruit, 2 boxes of pollinated bees were released every 5 days before the beginning of flowering until the temperature rose in late March. Tests by experts have demonstrated that bumblebees are more suitable for low-temperature pollination than bees. 4. Thinning and thinning fruit. Moderate sparse fruit thinning can increase single fruit weight, maintain uniform fruit size, early maturity, and leave 10-15 buds per plant.

Medical Isolation Goggles

It is used for general isolation in outpatient clinics, wards, and laboratories of medical institutions; it plays a protective role during inspection and treatment in medical institutions, and blocks body fluids, blood splashes or splashes of national essential medicines For general isolation in the room, etc.; medical institutions play a protective role during inspection and treatment, blocking bodily fluids, blood splashes or splashes. The main components are usually composed of protective cover, foam strips and fixtures made of polymer materials. Mechanism of action [Material] overall food-grade flexible PVC silicone material; rigid polycarbonate PC explosion-proof lens
[Product Features]Surface wide field of view ≥270°; 8 concealed air vents; adjustable elastic fixing straps; light transmittance ≥90%; myopia glasses can be worn inside; anti-fog layer; eye-face fit, closed good sex
[Scope of application] It is used for general isolation in outpatient clinics, wards, and testing rooms of medical institutions; it plays a protective role during inspection and treatment in medical institutions, blocking body fluids, blood splashes or splashes. How to use This product is for one-time use. After use, it should be destroyed in the sales package.

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