Anatomical features of reproductive system in rabbits

1. Changes in testis position in male rabbits The testis is one of the important components of the male reproductive system. Its main function is to produce sperm and secrete male hormones. From the fetal stage, the position of the testes often changes throughout life. The testes of the fetus and newborn rabbits are located in the abdominal cavity and are attached to the abdominal wall. As the age increases, the testicles position decreases and they fall to the inguinal canal between 1-2 months of age. At this time, the testis is still small, and it is not easy to pull out from the outside. The surface is not Form yin. Rabbits over 5 months of age have obvious scrotum. About 3.5 months old testicles descend into the scrotum. Because the inguinal canal is short and wide and is not closed for life, adult testes of the male rabbit can be freely retracted into the abdominal cavity or lowered into the scrotum. In the selection, it should be noted that do not temporarily retract the testicles to the abdominal cavity and mistaken for cryptorchidism, this time, as long as the male rabbit head up, tap the hips by hand, or squeeze gently in the inguinal can, Lower the testicles. 2. The uterus type of the female rabbit The uterus of the female rabbit is of the double uterus type, that is, the uterus, uterine horn, and cervix are two, and the two cervix are independently opened in the front of the vagina. The rabbit's uterus has no obvious uterine body and uterine horns, nor is it like the uterus of horses, cows, sheep, pigs, etc. The uterine horns at both sides are integrated at the uterus and are opened from the cervix to the vagina. Therefore, rabbits do not experience a situation where fertilized eggs can migrate from one uterine horn to another uterine horn. China Agricultural Network Editor

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