Childhood nutrition "rows sit"

Nutrition experts say that children’s bodies are in a period of growth and development and they need to absorb large amounts of nutrients. However, some of the nutrients in the human body cannot be synthesized by the body, or cannot be stored for a long period of time, and need to be continuously replenished from the daily food. Here are some of the nutrients needed for children's growth and development:

Vitamin A

The lack of clinical vitamin A is a worldwide nutritional problem, not only prevalent in developing countries, but also in developed countries. Vitamin A deficiency is more common in children aged 2-5 years and less common in adults. Children in the weaning or unconditional milk feeding, because the ordinary flour does not contain vitamin A, it is very easy to cause vitamin A deficiency, lack of vitamin A will make the children's ability to resist the virus decline, slow growth.

Vitamin B

Children in growth and development, active, increased activity, to increase the vitamin B family associated with calorie metabolism, vitamin B1 is known as brain and muscle vitamins, vitamin B2 is extremely easy to lose during food processing.

Vitamin C

It is an indispensable vitamin for the growth of children's dental cells. In order to maintain normal growth and development of bones, reasonable supplements should be taken care of.

Vitamin D

It is a special kind of vitamin that helps calcium absorption, can effectively promote bone calcification and promote bone formation. Long winter time in the north and short sunshine time, vitamin D can not be changed under ultraviolet irradiation for human use. Young parents living in the north should timely give vitamin D to children, and more sun exposure, so that children's bone health Grow.

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) commonly known as brain gold

Its appearance has set off an upsurge of brainwashing in the market and has been rapidly applied to children's fast food. DHA plays an extremely important role in nerve conduction and synaptic growth. DHA is difficult to synthesize itself in the human body, but it is abundant in the brain, retina, and nervous tissue. Helps improve learning, memory and vision.


It is one of the most important constant elements for children's growth and development. Children must have sufficient calcium intake in their growth and development stages to ensure the child's vigorous bone growth needs.

Iron and zinc

It is an essential trace element in the human body. The lack of iron is the most important nutritional problem in developing countries, especially children and women. Zinc has a very important role in children's growth and development. Long-term zinc deficiency has been fully demonstrated in relation to children's growth and development. When young parents are reminded to prepare food for their children, don't forget to prepare some foods rich in zinc.


Lecithin is the brain's essential active substance. Lecithin is derived from the essence of pure natural soybeans.