Apple virus-free nursery stock breeding procedures

1 Scope

This standard stipulates the breeding procedures for apple virus-free seedlings, and applies to apple seedlings production and cultivation areas in the country.

2 Reference standards

The provisions contained in the following standards are incorporated into this standard and constitute the provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards will be revised and all parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards.

GB 12943-91 Quarantine regulations for apple virus-free mother trees and nursery stocks

NY 329-1997 Apple virus-free seedlings

3 Definitions

This standard uses the following definition.

3.1 Apple virus-free species

Apple varieties and rootstocks were identified after detoxification treatment, field selection, and direct introduction of the test.

3.2 Apple virus-free seedling breeding system

Approved by the competent authorities of the state or province (city, district), the whole organizational structure of the apple virus-free nursery stock production at various levels and tasks is composed of different units.

4 Breeding system

4.1 The breeding of apple virus-free seedlings must be carried out according to the seedling method (before the formulation of the seedling law, according to the "Interim Measures for the Management of Fruit Tree Seedlings and Seedlings" of the Ministry of Agriculture).

4.2 Establish virus-free nursery stock propagation systems at all levels in the country and provinces (cities, districts) to ensure the quality of virus-free seedlings.

4.3 Apple virus-free nursery stock breeding system consists of three parts: a virus-free stock nursery, a virus-free parent garden, and a virus-free nursery nursery.

4.4 Apple virus-free original nursery.

4.4.1 The apple virus-free stock conservation farm shall undertake the task of breeding and preserving virus-free seed stocks. It shall be responsible for the detoxification and cultivation of major apple varieties and root stocks, and the introduction of virus-free seed stocks from home and abroad to the mother home garden free of viruses. Provide virus-free apple varieties and clonal root stocks, and assist the parent garden unit in establishing virus-free varieties of cutting plots, rootstock picking gardens, and clonal rootstocks.

4.4.2 The national and provincial conservation farms without viruses are confirmed by the Ministry of Agriculture.

4.5 Apple virus-free parent garden.

4.5.1 Virus-free female parent gardens include the virus-free apple variety scion nursery, virus-free rootstock seed collection garden, and virus-free clone rootstock nursery.

4.5.2 The parent park undertaking unit is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and the provincial (city, district) authorities.

4.5.3 The propagation material of the female parent garden is provided by the original species preservation agency, and is subject to regular virus testing by a virus detection agency. If any problem is found, it will be replaced immediately.

4.5.4 The mother garden undertaking unit is responsible for supplying various virus-free varieties scion, rootstock seeds and seedlings to nursery units.

4.6 Apple virus-free nursery nursery.

4.6.1 Propagation nursery seed, clone propagation stock material and scion must all come from a virus-free female parent garden. No scion is allowed from the nursery stock for seedling multiplication.

4.6.2 The apple virus-free nursery stock breeding unit is responsible for the breeding and grafted cultivars of virus-free anvils and clonal stocks, and supplies apple virus-free seedlings to the production unit.

4.6.3 Apple virus-free nursery stock breeding unit shall be approved by the provincial competent department, and be issued with apple virus-free nursery stock production license. At the same time, it shall also have the proof of the number of virus-free nursery stocks that can be determined by the higher authorities in accordance with the amount of scion provided by the parent park.

5 testing agencies

5.1 The apple virus detection agency shall be certified by the competent department of the state to organize the technical supervision department to carry out measurement certification and be confirmed by the Ministry of Agriculture.

5.2 The Apple Virus Detection Agency is responsible for the detection of viruses in apple virus-free nursery stocks.

6 Breeding and preservation of original species

6.1 To be detoxified

6.1.1 All varieties and stocks that are prepared for detoxification shall be varieties and stocks that have been approved by the National or Provincial Crop Variety Approval Committee.

6.1.2 Select the result tree that has not been found to have symptoms of rust fruit, green wrinkled fruit disease and mosaic disease after 3 years of observation as the parent tree of the material to be detoxified, and collect scion as the material to be detoxified.

6.1.3 The parent tree of the detoxified material can be determined directly as a virus-free stock by virus detection and screening. For virus detection methods, see Chapter 5 of NY 329-1997.

6.2 Detoxification

66.3 Virus Detection of Virus-free Materials

6.3.1 The materials obtained by detoxification treatment were first detected by serological methods, and the positive reactions were eliminated, and the negative reactions were detected by the woody indicator plant method.

6.3.2 Specific procedures for serological methods and woody indicator vegetative methods are found in Appendix A and Appendix B, Appendix C of NY 329-1997, respectively.

6.4 No virus stock preservation

6.4.1 Apple varieties and rootstocks, after detoxification treatment and virus detection, can be identified as virus-free after being virus-free and stored in the original breeding unit. The preservation method is preserved in the field original nursery and tissue culture preservation. , conditional establishment of gene bank preservation.

6.4.2 Field original stocking nursery: Virus-free seedling trees shall be planted in a section where no fruit trees have been planted, and the isolation belt from ordinary fruit trees or seedlings shall be at least 50 m. The planting density is above 3m and plant spacing is above 2m.

6.4.3 Tissue Culture Preservation: Virus-free stocks obtained by tissue culture methods can be maintained in vials for subculture. If scion is needed, it can be expanded for several generations and moved to the field.

6.4.4 Virus-free tree should be tested once every 5 years and the problem is eliminated. The testing agency will report the virus test results to the competent authority.

7 Mother Garden

7.1 virus-free apple varieties

7.1.1 The mother tree is provided by a virus-free stockpile, and the species is clearly recorded. The foreign name, strain, strain, rootstock, original mother strain, introduced unit, source, time, virus-free, virus detection Unit of time.

7.1.2 Planted by variety and strain, row spacing 4 ~ 5m, plant spacing 3 ~ 4m. The same strains are numbered in sequence and planted together. After planting, maps of the varieties, strains, and strains of the scion plots are prepared and marked.

7.1.3 It is necessary to strengthen fertilizer and water management, ensure robust tree vigor, produce a certain number of substantial scions each year, and also require normal results to observe the fruit's horticultural traits.

7.2 Apple Virus-Free Rootstock Seed Garden

7.2.1 The type of rootstock is determined according to the suitable rootstock for each apple producing area.

7.2.2 The seeds used must be collected from virus-free mother plants.

7.3 Apple virus-free clone rootstock

7.3.1 The mother tree is derived from a virus-free nursery. Before planting the mother tree, the soil should be disinfected to prevent nematode and root cancer. And it will be held every year to maintain the ability to create skills from the base.

7.3.2 Methods for propagation of clone rootstocks include vertical strips and horizontal strips. The method is the same as that of ordinary rootstocks.

7.3.3 Virus-free clonal stockpile stocks only provide self-root seedlings of vegetative rootstocks and scions used as interstocks, and do not allow grafting in ploughs.

7.4 Establishment of Apple Virus-free Parent Garden

7.4.1 The plot should be selected from plots where fruit trees have not been planted, and is more than 50m away from ordinary fruit trees or seedlings. Before the establishment of the park, the virus-free apple varieties were selected as the scion nursery, rootstock seed collection garden, and clonal rootstock nursery garden. Design irrigation and drainage systems, roads, buildings, etc., and carry out land leveling and soil improvement.

7.4.2 The mother tree planting technique is the same as the general production garden.

7.5 Virus Detection of Apple Virus-free Parent Garden

7.5.1 Disinfection shall be removed immediately if it is found that the mother tree has obvious viral symptoms.

7.5.2 A random sample is taken every 5 years for detection of a latent virus. Once symptoms of the virus are detected, they should be immediately eliminated.

7.5.3 The mother tree registration once is valid for 5 years.

7.6 Apple's virus-free parent garden technical file

7.6.1 Record the growth of each species and strain (annual growth rate of stems, trees, branches, and shoots), the age of the first flower, the age of the beginning fruit, the yield, the fruit size, the color, etc., recorded year by year, without interruption and Missing.

7.6.2 Record the apple variety scion, clone seedling, rootstock seed, species, variety (or type), quantity and receiving unit provided outside the parent garden.

8 Seedlings breeding

8.1 Establishment of Nursery

8.1.1 Selection of nurseries: Choose a flat terrain, irrigation conditions, fertile soil, rich organic matter content, moderate acidity, more than 50m away from ordinary apple, pear garden or general productive nursery, or no apple, pear or apple growing for 5 years Pear seedlings and convenient transportation.

8.1.2 Nursery Planning and Construction: Nursery planning should be divided into several communities from the perspective of easy management. Planned seedling planting areas, clonal rootstock propagation areas, adult seedling cultivation areas, and recreational areas were planned. According to the planning and design of roads, drainage and irrigation systems at all levels, and co-ordinate arrangements, land leveling, soil improvement, and the addition of organic fertilizer.

8.2 Real Rootstock Cultivation

8.2.1 Rootstock seeds must be harvested from virus-free stocks or virus-free seeds. Seeds in the fall or early spring. Before sowing, organic fertilizer should be applied between 2500 and 3000 ? per acre, and phosphate fertilizer should be used up to 100?. The land should be deep-turned, flattened and used as fungicides and insecticides for soil disinfection.

8.2.2 The method of sowing and field management are the same as general production nurseries.

8.3 Clonal Rootstock Cultivation

8.3.1 Asexual rootstock propagation material must come from a virus-free parent garden.

8.3.2 Breeding methods:

a) Directly introducing rootstocks of clonal rootstocks from a virus-free female parent garden, and cultivating the cultivars in the autumn after intensive cultivation for one year;

b) collect clonal rootstock species from virus-free parent gardens, graft them on virus-free seedstocks, and prepare to cultivate intermediate rootstocks, and then graft non-toxic varieties of scions;

c) Rapid propagation of virus-free clonal stocks using tissue culture methods.

8.4 Management of Grafted Seedlings

8.4.1 Scion Collection: The scion must be collected from the virus-free apple variety scion nursery. The cut scion immediately cuts the leaves, divides the bundle into bundles, and registers the name and collection time of the parent tree species (strain).

8.4.2 Grafting: Buds are used in autumn and branches are used in spring, followed by species and strains. When making an attachment, it must be guaranteed that it is the same as the original grafted mother plant, otherwise it will not be supplemented.