Breeding Technology Exchange and Wealth Express 53

Breeding technology

Customer issues: I have found that different disinfectants have different effects at different stages of farming. For example, a turtle weighing more than 1 jin, the effect of disinfection using Wu Eryi is better. Why is this?

Guan Yuan replies: Glutaraldehyde is a chemical disinfectant that can inhibit or kill bacteria and fungi. It has a broad antibacterial spectrum, is volatile, and has a strong irritant. During the use of glutaraldehyde, attention should be paid to three points: 1. Appropriate dose and usage should be used, generally not exceeding 2 g/m3 of water body; 2. Due to its volatility, the greenhouse should be ventilated during use; 3. When used To understand the condition of the disease, if the turtle symptoms are more serious, it should be used with caution or not.

Seedlings are generally cultured in greenhouses. Ventilation in greenhouses is poor, so glutaraldehyde should not be used for disinfection. On the other hand, due to the poor anti-stress ability of the young seedlings, especially the small soft-shelled turtle that has already suffered from poor skin physique and anti-stress ability, it is possible to produce stress response when glutaraldehyde is used for sterilization. Anorexia or even death occurred. And 1 pound or more of soft-shelled turtle is relatively strong because of its constitution and anti-stress ability, as long as the amount of glutaraldehyde and the use of properly properly does not appear stress response.

【Information above is for reference only】

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Wealth Express

Customer Name: Zhu Guoqiang

Customer Address: Yaojiaqiao Village, Shanzhu Town, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Investment time: April 1, 2010

Sale time: December 5, 2010

Breeding cycle: 8 months and 5 days

Breeds: Thailand

Number of breeding: 13,000

Breeding mode: greenhouse cultivation

Breeding facilities: 1 shed, 16 pools in total, 22 square meters per pool, density 36 per square meter

Feed usage: A total of 5.6 tons of “Crown Source” feed was used in the breeding process, including 1 ton of juvenile alfalfa powder and 4.6 ton of juvenile alfalfa meal.

Breeding results: A total of 9100 kilos of turtles were caught and the average size was 0.823 kg.

Feed coefficient: 1.23

The income situation: The sale price of the soft-shelled turtle was RMB 17.7/kg, and the total income was RMB 161,000. In addition to the breeding costs, the net profit was more than RMB 45,000.

Customer evaluation: "Crown source" feed is very good, the water quality is easy to manage, and the breeding effect is also good. "Crown Source" salesman service is also very considerate, let me worry a lot.

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