Six measures to improve breeding efficiency

In the process of artificial rearing, how to improve its survival rate, birth rate, and shorten the breeding cycle of adult pupa is the key to the success or failure of breeding and economic efficiency.

1 Do a good job of introducing

This species is introduced every year from May to June and from August to September. At this time, the temperature and humidity are suitable for transportation and feeding management. If the pregnancy is introduced in May-June, the baby will be born from June to July of that year and the benefit will be good. The first-time raisers should be introduced in the fixed market for many years and with good reputation. When introducing, you should understand the type and habits of crickets, purchase a small, bright-colored, flexible activities, and prey on the active birth. At the same time, according to the proportion of females, 3 males, they bought young males with strong physique and strong sexual desire.

2 adjust the temperature and humidity

The optimum temperature for growth and mating of calves is 25-39°C. When the temperature dropped to 8 ~ 10 °C into the helium, 10 ~ 20 °C when the gong, when the temperature exceeds 39 °C, the phlegm is in a semi-conscious state, dehydration and death.蝎 Strict humidity requirements, wet tide, humidity, air relative humidity of 60% to 80%, activity site is 50% to 60%, the humidity of the pocket should be 15% to 20%. Therefore, the temperature and humidity of the mortuary house should be well adjusted, and the daily temperature difference should not exceed 6°C.

3 feeding methods

The carnivore is a carnivorous animal. It is mainly insects. Apart from many burrs, hard shells, and decayed insects, it can be used as a food for alfalfa and fresh beef, pork, and fish. The foraging amount is small. At 25 to 33°C, it can be eaten for 2 to 3 days. When the temperature is low, the feeding interval can be extended. Feeding at 20 o'clock in the summer and feeding at 18 to 19 o'clock in the winter, spring, and autumn, the food is placed on the corner of the shuttlecock that often comes out of activity. The food that is fed is served in a small food tray. One-third of the total number of tadpoles is appropriate, and feed and feed less. In the morning of the second day, the remaining food in the pond is cleaned.蝎 蝎 较 较 较 较 较 较 较 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎 蝎. The water supply for the eel is to place some shallow water trays in the embarrassing activities site. Stones, sponges, and branches should be placed in the water tray to avoid wetting the feet when drinking water.

4 Postnatal and postnatal management

The cockroach is born of the ovary, and the pregnancies are frequent and the food intake is greatly increased. They should be allowed to eat enough and the light should be given. When the abdomen is abnormally enlarged before the pregnancy, the spine plate and the ring are obviously widened. When the mid-abdominal litter is looming, this is a childbirth, and it should be singled out and placed in a special "delivery room" to keep the room quiet. After being born, Aberdeen climbs onto the mother's back. At this time, the humidity in the “production room” should be between 80% and 85%, and the temperature should be between 34 and 38°C. After about 10 days, the cubs left the mother to live independently. At this point, the Aberdeen should be separated from the mother and daughter, otherwise, there will be similar killings. In addition, the mother's postpartum physical exertion is too large, should be separated from the group, strengthen feeding, 15 days and then into the mating pool.

5 Baby Management

The pups that were separated at different times were placed in pots with 15% soil moisture for 20 days. During the period, the environment should be concealed, and the yellow mealworms should be put on the spot in time to ensure that the young cubs can eat and eat. Then, appropriate pots and pans were placed in pots, and small yellow mealworms, sterile flies, and spider mites were supplied, and they were fed in various ways for about 10 days. The pots were placed in a low density per 1000 pounds/m2 into the Aberdeen Pond, and the nests were wet (about 20%). The larvae in the pool should be put into moderate and diversified, and intensively reared for about 10 days. Cubs do not eat for 3 to 5 days before the skin, and they do not eat during this period. In this way, 2 instars can be successfully molted into 3rd instars.

6 Disease Prevention and Control

Sputum is generally less susceptible to disease. If Sputum long-term consumption of rotten food, or drinking water is not clean, or long-term changes in temperature and humidity are relatively large, E. coli easy to cause mildew, black rot, tail disease, Dry tail disease, bowel disease, and bloating disease, at this time, coping therapy.

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