The Causes of the Year-and-A-year Results of Apple Trees and Ways to Overcome It

Fruit trees have a lot of results a year, with little or no result in one year. This phenomenon is particularly evident in some fruit trees such as apples and pears. People call this phenomenon the big and small fruit trees. The result of “size and year” is a common phenomenon in apple orchard during fruit period. The size of the fruit tree year. It not only causes a decline in yield, deteriorates the quality of the fruit, lowers the value of the commodity, but also tends to incur debilitating tree vigor. This will increase the incidence of tree diseases and pests. The shortening of high-yield crops has caused farmers to suffer great economic losses. Unfavorable equilibrium market supply. Therefore, overcoming the size of the annual results is a major issue for mature orchard management. 1, the source of the size of the source of the phenomenon of the phenomenon of results in essence. It is the result of the inconsistency in quantity and time between the production and distribution of organic nutrients produced by the leaves and the need for the construction of organs such as flowers, fruits, roots, and flower buds. Nutrition competition is the most common and most important reason for the size of the year. In the years when there is a lot of fruit, the nutrients are continuously transported to the fruit, and the nutrients in other organs of the tree, especially the top buds of the shoots, are greatly reduced. Caused the inability to form flower buds. Therefore, it is a small year after the New Year. However, the small number of young fruits and fruit, the accumulation of nutrients in the tree, and the creation of good conditions for the flower bud differentiation, so the rapid increase in the production of the next year, is the Great New Year. This is repeated, forming a cycle. Unreasonable cultivation techniques are mainly manifested in extensive underground management, poorly developed roots, and extremely declining tree vigor; pest control is not timely and leaves are seriously damaged. Even early a lot of deciduous. So that can not be manufactured, accumulated enough organic nutrition. Causes poor flower bud differentiation in fruit trees; Do not take a certain percentage of preparatory branches. When the amount of flowers is large, the results are numerous, and the tree is overloaded, measures are not taken to adjust them. Caused a significant reduction in production the following year. Causes annual size and periodic cycles. In addition, sparse fruiting, fruiting and fruiting measures are not enough to cause the size of the year. Poor natural conditions such as rain, drought, cold, night frost, and hail are also the causes of years of age. Flowering, flower bud differentiation period too much rain. Drought during fruit setting can both cause years of age. In some years, the normal result tree suffers from large amounts of shedding of flowers or young fruits due to the late frost, which reduces the yield, which is beneficial to the nutrient accumulation of the tree. A large number of flower buds form. The sudden increase in output the following year caused the size of the year. The results of different species sizes of the same fruit tree vary in size and result in the formation of flower buds. The varieties with high fruit setting rate are easier to form in years of age: The varieties with a normal flower bud formation rate and a low fruit setting rate are not easy to form. Early and late fruit ripening period and the age of fruit trees are related to the degree of severity. In general, late-maturing varieties are heavier than early-maturing varieties: mature trees and aging trees are heavier than young trees. As a result, there are fewer flower buds. In addition to insufficient accumulation of nutrients. It is also related to the inhibition of flower bud differentiation by the formation of a large amount of gibberellin in fruit seeds. As a result of the large year, the total number of seeds in the tree increased correspondingly, and a large amount of gibberellin was synthesized in the embryo. Because it can induce the production of an amylase. Hydrolyzed starch and promoted the growth of new shoots, inhibiting the formation of flower buds, making the coming year into a small year. Endogenous hormones such as ethephon, auxin, kinetin and abscisic acid in the plant control the vegetative growth and reproductive growth of the plant. The balance between them affects flower bud differentiation, fruit set and fruit development. It also has a greater effect on the size of the year. 2. The solution to capture the fruits of fruiting trees in successive fruiting years, and avoiding the appearance of large and small annual results, should be based on different reasons for the appearance of size and year. On the basis of strengthening integrated management. Take different countermeasures. Gradually adjust to overcome. To overcome the phenomenon of large-scale and annual results that have already emerged, it is usually easier to do it from the next year and it is easy to receive results. The main feature of the tree is the excessive results, affecting flower bud differentiation. Cause fewer results next year. Therefore, the main goal of the management of Dainji is to adjust the load of fruit trees reasonably, so that it is not a big year. And to promote the formation of sufficient flower buds to increase the next year's production. The main measures are: First, focus on strengthening the management of fertilizers and waters and timely supplementing the nutrient consumption of the tree. In the pre-flowering and fruit-inflating stages, more fertilizer such as urea, ammonium sulfate and ammonium bisulfate are used to promote the growth of foliage to produce more photosynthetic products, to ensure nutrients needed for fruit growth, and to prevent nutrient over-consumption in the tree in the coming year. Become "small year." Before harvesting, the basal fertilizer should generally be applied as early as possible after the fruit is harvested. The application of 150 kg of fertilizing fertilizer and 2 kg of phosphate fertilizer along the canopy around the canopy will help the flowering result in the 2nd year. To promote flower bud differentiation, at the same time, it has a certain effect on improving flowering quality and fruit setting rate, promoting robust growth of branches, fruit enlargement and increasing yield. Therefore, early application of basal fertilizer in fruit trees is beneficial to overcoming the annual fruit size. In addition. Strengthening pest control is also an important measure to prevent years of age. Through pruning to control or adjust the amount of flowers, to achieve a reasonable percentage of leaf and fruit, so that the tree's nutrient accumulation and fruit consumption to achieve a relatively balanced, thus reducing the size of the phenomenon. Big year spent more. The principle of pruning is on the premise of guaranteeing the output of the year. Winter should be properly cut. Reduce flower buds. Balance the growth results. In long-term and multi-year short fruiting branches, leave enough preparation branches; retract branches of perennial branches and re-shrink the flowering branches properly: handle crowded and large branches that affect light, improve lighting, and improve flower bud quality. Scientific thinning and thinning fruit can adjust the ratio of leaf to fruit, balance vegetative growth and reproductive growth, and make the tree load reasonable. Increase nutrient accumulation. Great effect on overcoming the size of the year. It can also increase fruit and improve quality. Prevent premature aging of the tree. So at the moment. This technique is to control the load. The most effective way to reduce the size of a year. The principle of thinning fruit and thinning fruit is to first flower squid, then sparse flower buds, and then thinning fruit, set fruit: strong tree strong branches to stay more, weak and weak branches appropriate to stay. Sparse branches combined with winter shears and spring shears. Sparse buds can be carried out from inflorescence elongation to flowering. However, it is best to extend from the inflorescence to the separation period. Sparse fruit should be completed from the second to fourth weeks after Xiehua, the sooner the better. When the thinning and thinning of fruit are based on different tree vigor and tree size, a reasonable amount of fruit is determined, which is the key to whether or not the expected result can be achieved. The dry fruit method, the fruit-fruit ratio, the distance method and the like can be used to determine the amount of fruit remaining. In some cases, the year of production may also result in a significant reduction in production due to unfavorable weather and pests and diseases. This will not only affect the current year's revenue, but also cause larger and larger annual results. Leisure time. In the new year, pests and disasters should also be done well and the fruit should be preserved. Ensure that planned production is achieved during the year. In the spring of the year. Can use 0.1% every 7-10 days. 0.3% paclobutrazol, 0.2% ~ O-4% Chlorhexidine aqueous solution was sprayed on the leaves and sprayed twice to promote flower bud differentiation. Increase the amount of flowers in the first year. With less annual flowers, the main goal of management is to preserve the fruit. The annual age is not small, and it will not cause excessive flower buds. Prevent the next year from showing a big year. The main measures are: Xiaonianshu must focus on strengthening early-stage fertilizer and water management. Shovel grass soil, adding nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, to prevent falling fruit because of fertilizer shortage, and promote nutrient concentrated operation to the flowers and fruits. Spring, especially before and after germination and flowering management. Not only can promote tree growth and development. Strengthen assimilation ability, increase pre-nutrition, increase fruit setting rate, but also due to the growth of new shoots. Relatively reduced flower bud formation. therefore. Before sprouting. Before and after flowering, one-time available nitrogen fertilizer can be applied 1 week, taking urea as an example, fertilizing the most l ~ 1.5 kg/plant. Spray 0.3% urea during flowering. After the flower spray l% ~ 3% of superphosphate calcium leachate. To promote growth. It is also an important measure to provide timely and appropriate water supply for young trees, before and after flower bud differentiation. Proper irrigation increases soil moisture. To a certain extent, flower bud formation is also reduced. Avoid excessive big year next year. To save flower buds as much as possible. Increase fruit setting rate and current year production. During winter cut. Should be lightly cut, that is, less sparse, less short cut, do not carry out major adjustments and updates of the tree structure. Keep flower buds as much as possible, and when the flowers are cut before cutting, adjust the cut, sparse or shrink according to the specific situation. Don't go for the big branch that you can't go to for the time being, let it be dealt with in the new year, so as not to cut too many flower buds. In the small year when the result is small, a section of the new shoot is cut in the summer. Promote secondary branches. The slow release during winter cuts prompted the formation of flower buds in the following year. To supplement the amount of small year results. 2. The vast majority of apple tree varieties are self-false or have very low seed setting rates. Do a good job of keeping flowers and fruits. It is a key measure to ensure high yield, stable production and high quality. Flowering period, bee pollination, spray 0.1% to 0.25% borax or boric acid solution. To promote pollination and young fruit development. At the same time, for the excessively prosperous new shoots and fruit Taiwan secondary shoots, it is necessary to timely pick up the hearts, twist the shoots, wipe the buds, control their growth, and reduce the conflicts between water and fertilizer. Will be conducive to "small tree" increased fruit-holding rate of young trees should pay close attention to disaster prevention and pest control. Especially after the New Year, the tree is weak and rot disease often occurs in large numbers. In addition to strengthening inspection and control during the autumn and winter of the year. Small spring and spring should also pay close attention to timely cure. And we must strengthen anti-freezing, anti-icing, anti-drought and other natural disasters. Ensure a bumper year harvest. After fruit trees are abundant, they can be sprayed with 100-150 times gibberellin once in the critical period of flower bud differentiation in the first year, and can inhibit flower bud differentiation and prevent excessive flowering in the second year (the year). . In short, under the precondition of preventing natural disasters. Strengthen fertilizer and water management, increase photosynthetic production, and take measures for different species. To prevent excessive results, after three or five years of careful adjustment, you can reduce or even overcome the phenomenon of large and small results and restore normal results.

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