Prevention of empty tomato fruit

The empty fruit of the tomato is the gap between the flesh and the fruit cavity of the tomato, which affects the sales and eating quality of the tomato. This is mainly due to the improper use of plant hormones or the formation of excessively large seeds when the seeds are trapped in the fruit cavities and the pulp and fruit cavities develop too quickly. The preventive measures are:

1. Strengthen the growth and management of tomatoes, make tomatoes grow robustly, try not to use artificial hormones to treat tomatoes, so that the tomatoes can normally mature.

2. If tomato is treated with phytohormone, it must be used according to the technical instructions. Do not blindly expand the use multiple. If 2,4-D is used, the concentration should be 15-20 mg/l, and the concentration of anti-dropping hormone should be 25-50 mg/l. When the temperature is low, the concentration should be higher. When the temperature is high, the concentration should be low.

3. Strengthen the management and protection of tomato roots. If the tomato's roots are not well developed, causing damage, it will not be able to absorb water and nutrients well. Even if the flowers grow well, the roots in the field will not develop well and the empty fruit will be formed. We must strengthen the management of the root system so that the roots will develop well.

4. In the same inflorescence, the flowering time from the first flower to the fifth or sixth flower, if not concentrated, will cause competition for the assimilation of nutrients between the fruits, and the later flower will form a hollow fruit, so in the same Inflorescences, the simultaneous opening of 3 to 4 flowers together with growth hormone treatment.

5. To strengthen the management of tomato fertilizer, in particular, to strengthen the management of the late middle-stage fertilizer in order to prevent deferred fertilizer in the middle and later stages. Every 5 to 7 days should be started at the beginning of the result, and 10 to 15 kg of diammonium phosphate, 5 to 10 kg of potassium sulfate, 1 to 2 kg of multi-elements can be topdressed, and 500 to 1000 kg of roast can be poured. , apply 4 to 5 times.

6. If there is more nitrogen in the soil, more water and higher night temperatures, the flowering date will be uneven. In this case, appropriate topping.

7. According to different environmental conditions, in order to increase the leaf area, a part of the fruit can be removed to increase the number of leaves, so that the assimilation of nutrients increases, to prevent the emergence of empty fruit. For example, reducing the number of single plants set in production, and increasing the mu yield with a reasonable increase in density, can produce fewer empty fruits.

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