Clover Cultivation Management Technology

Cultivation Management Technology
1. Soil Preparation and Fertilization Red and white clover are generally mixed with grasses. However, in some cases, in order to improve the soil in advance, red and white clover are often planted first, and then the grasses are replanted. When planting red and white clover, there is no special requirement for site preparation. It can be planted directly after ploughing or after heavy grazing (the original vegetation is removed as much as possible). Whatever method is used, the weeds on the ground should be removed as much as possible in order to emerge. And seedlings grow. The red and white clover leaves a large amount of phosphate fertilizer and is also sensitive. Therefore, phosphorus should be used as a base fertilizer (especially in the southern regions where phosphorus deficiency occurs). Generally 3.3 kg of phosphorus per mu (equivalent to 20 kg of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer) can be. In the soil whose soil pH is lower than 5.5, some lime should be applied beforehand, which is generally 66.7-133.3 kg/mu. The amount of lime and phosphate fertilizer can be determined based on the local soil test data and fertilizer response.
2, sowing red, white clover both spring broadcast, but also autumn broadcast, the effect of autumn sowing in the south is better. When unicast, the sowing volume per mu is 1 kilogram, and when mixed, about 0.8 kilograms (3:1 for mixed grass and leguminous plants). Multi-handed or equipment spread. After sowing, it should be covered with earth, and the depth should not exceed 1.5 cm. The grass can be trampled or lightly earthed on the grass to cover the soil. In the rainy season in the south, there is no need to cover earth.
3. Field Management The growth of the seeds of red and white clover is slow at the seedling stage. Don't mistakenly think that the seeding has failed. In the seedling stage, special attention should be paid to controlling weeds and applying a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer (about 5 kg urea/mu) to promote seedling establishment. After the grassland is built, it is necessary to grazing or mowing the grass in time, which can also reduce weeds. In the future, only a certain amount of phosphorus fertilizer and molybdenum fertilizer can be applied, and no more nitrogen fertilizer can be applied. If too much nitrogen is used, the growth of red and white clover is inhibited, and the soil is compared. Where there is an irrigation condition in the drought, the water can be properly irrigated after grazing.
4. Feeding methods Red and white clover are mainly used for grazing, can grazing livestock, can also put geese and the effect is red, white trifolium is even a good feed for pigs, rabbits and other poultry, can be chopped and chopped Hey, it can also be made into hay, compressed into feed or grass powder. Red and white trifolia have a high protein content and can be extracted with a juicer to make a deep concentrated protein feed. Once the red and white clover meadows are built, they will endure for a long time and have a strong ability to invade. After the seeds are shattered, they will produce their own strains. The red and white clover will also transfer the mature seeds to other places for germination and growth. In order to prevent the spread of red and white clover, grazing or cutting should be conducted in time to prevent the seeds from maturing. In the use of fertilizer can also be adjusted by red and white clover composition, nitrogen fertilizer promote gramineous grass growth, inhibition of clover growth, and phosphate fertilizer can promote the growth of clover.

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