For the cotton buds

Cause of the disease: the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer in the early stage. Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer makes the nature of the soil acidic, weak roots simply do not have the ability to suck more fertilizer, especially in the super-excessive nitrogen fertilizer application at the seedling stage, will cause burning phenomenon; serious excess will occur burning root Yellow seedlings are not long; general overdose does not produce fertilizer damage, there will be mad long plant height, buds less phenomenon.

Even too much rain. Excessive continuous rain may also lead to the growth of cotton, which will increase the number of fruit branches and the distance between buds, especially if nitrogen fertilizer is applied too much or other nutrients are lacking. This will cause the cotton to grow unevenly in nutrients and produce flowers. Huang Lei wilt, only the phenomenon of long cotton aphid with less peaches. Excessively immersed in water will also make the cotton plant yellow.

Serious pests and diseases occur. The first is the damage to cotton caused by blind ticks. It mainly damages the young leaves, young buds, and young buds of cotton, resulting in a large number of shedding of the bells, broken leaves, and multiple branches and leaves. Early sowing, adequate fertilizer, and lush growth of cotton fields are seriously endangered. Blindness fears light, wet and wetness, nightfalls, heavy rainfall, and high humidity occur year in and day out. Followed by yellow cotton, wilt disease, the main symptoms are: plant dwarf, yellow and white spots on the leaves, like hot water scald, withered deciduous, analysis of the stem to the root, showing brown, black, the main rhizome died. In particular, nitrogen fertilizer applied to excessive cotton fields, so that the nature of the soil acidity, in rainy, high humidity years, cotton field yellow, withered virus is more emphasis on the occurrence. Control methods:

Scientific management of cotton. The first is to control the amount of fertilizer according to the growth law of cotton, ie from the seedling stage to the budding stage (from mid-late to mid-to-late June) in order to reduce the use of available nitrogen fertilizer, and more slowly applying calcium-magnesium-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer and organic fertilizer. 10% to 15% of fertilization amount; from bud to flowering stage (from early June to early July), lightly applied and stable N, P and K fertilizers, accounting for about 15% to 20% of the total amount of fertilizer; During the period (from early July to early August), NPK fertilizers and organic fertilizers should be re-applied, which accounts for about 60% of the total amount of fertilizers. During the period from boll season to boll season (from mid-late August to early September), nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to local conditions or Special compound fertilizer for cotton 5% (including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium 22% ~ 13%). The second is to act in a unified manner, group prevention and group management, according to the situation of insects to predict symptomatic medication, and focus on killing pests at the critical moment of reproduction.

Formula balanced fertilization. Based on 1% to 2% biological bacterial fertilizer, 50% to 60% organic fertilizer, 10% to 20% calcium and magnesium sulfur and other trace element fertilizers, and 30% to 40% nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, a large number of elemental fertilizers. Formula balanced fertilization ratio. The "Four Classes" formula balanced fertilization technology breaks the habit of using only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in traditional fertilization, changes the "one bombardment" fertilization practice, and reduces crop deficiencies, antagonistic syndrome, yellow, blight and other pests and diseases. And fertilization caused by excessive fertilizer.

Symptomatic medication treatment. The control of yellow and blight with 300 to 500 times the K germicidal Ling 10 ~ 15g, plus 40g "Chu Wang" foliar nutrient solution mixed, spray on the initial onset of cotton fields; while using 600 to 700 times 80% dicrifug 20g is "Green Enjoy 9", plus 20g "extremely dynamic" multi-element fertilizer directly drip irrigation roots. Practical application verification is simple and practical. Compared with other drugs, it has the dual benefits of low cost of prevention and cure and quick cure. It has a one-time cure effect on yellow and blight.

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Tomato seeds

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Ningxia Zhongqing Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd. ,