Six points for high yield cultivation of autumn carrots

Carrot is extremely rich in nutrients, contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and many amino acids, known as the "small ginseng" reputation. At the same time, it also has anti-cancer, anti-cancer, antihypertensive, hypoglycemic, lipid-lowering and mercury poisoning effects. It has high medical and health care value. Below, the high-yield cultivation techniques of autumn carrots are introduced as follows for your reference:

I. Choosing the best varieties to choose the right variety of roads is the key to realizing the increase of production and income. Production shows that South Korea's thousands of red, Thailand's Hong Xiu, Japan's Kuroda five inches, red ginseng six inches and other varieties, with high yield, good quality, strong disease resistance, etc., should be the first choice of vegetable farmers .

Second, the choice of soil and site preparation should be based on the deep soil, loose soil, well-drained, organic sandy sandy loam. In such soils, carrot roots are fresh in color, with less lateral roots, smooth skin, and crisp texture. Before cultivating Mushi, 5,000 kg of base fertilizer, 40-50 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer, and 50 kg of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate are beneficial to the growth of seedlings.

After cultivating, deep plowing, depth of 20 cm or more, and then finely 2-3 times the ground, the smashing of the smashing smashing the surface.

Third, the timely sowing of folk saying cloud: "seven big eight nails", appropriate sowing is the key to seize high yield. According to the climate characteristics of our province, sowing in mid-late July is appropriate. There are two kinds of sowing methods: seeding and sowing. Autumn carrot planting seedlings during the high temperature and dry season, the temperature is not suitable for carrot seed germination and seedling growth, seedling rate is lower than in spring, so the seeding rate should be appropriately increased, sowing rate per acre of 250-300 grams. After sowing, covered with straw or other straw, where conditions permit, it is best to shade with shading nets, requiring shading nets about one meter from the ground (covered in small arches above). For the plots with insufficient shade cover after sowing, the seeding rate needs to be increased appropriately.

Fourth, and the time seedlings, strengthen the cultivator and weeding During the entire growth period, carrots need to be twice the seedlings, the first time the seedlings in the 1-2 true leaves, and then shallow, weeding to protect the seedlings, promote seedling growth. The second time the seedlings are in 3-4 true leaves, and it is better to use this to set the seedlings. The distance between the small and middle cultivars is 10 centimeters, the spacing between large cultivars is 13-15 centimeters, and cultivators are used. Reasonable dense planting is one of the important measures for the high yield of carrots. If the density is too large, the plants are easily shaded each other and the photosynthesis is weakened, especially the lower leaves are easy to rise and fall off, leading to a reduction in production. Conversely, when it is too thin, the number of plants per unit area decreases, causing excessive root growth of the fleshy roots, which can cause cracking and affect yield.

Fifth, scientific management of fertilizer and water in the emergence period can not be short of water, to keep the soil moist, too dry and too wet are not conducive to seed germination and unearthed. During the growth period, fertilizer should be topped 2-3 times. The first topdressing should be carried out in the groundbreak period of carrots. Combined with watering, the mu chase acquaintance humans excrement 1000 kg or urea 20 kg, and then catch the second or third fertilizer after 20 days. Each time topdressing 15-20 kg of urea, and add a small amount of potassium appropriately. Into the vigorous growth of leaves, should be appropriate water control to prevent leggy. The root enlargement period of meat is the period when the root growth of the fleshy root is the fastest. The demand for water is the most. The water supply should be satisfied in time, and the water should be poured. In the later period, attention should be paid to water control to prevent rot and root tumors.

Six, timely harvest of autumn carrots growing period is generally 100-110 days, from late October to early November (frost - during the beginning of winter) harvest is appropriate, premature harvest will affect the yield, too late to be susceptible to frost damage, rootstock impatience storage.

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