Air pollution or mental retardation in children

Author: Qiu Chenggang Date: 2018-12-18

Not long ago, a study by Lancaster University in the United Kingdom showed that children with intellectual disabilities were exposed to outdoor air pollution for longer periods of time than healthy children.

The study's senior author, Professor Eric Emerson of Lancaster University's Health Research Department and colleagues said: "Exposed air is always considered a risk factor for a range of health problems. Previously, there was no research. Quantify the relationship between mental retardation in children and exposure to outdoor polluted air."

To this end, Dr. Emerson and his co-authors analyzed data from the Millennium Research in the UK.

The Millennium Study of the United Kingdom selected more than 18,000 children born between 2000 and 2002 as representative samples of the country.

Studies have shown that 33% of children with intellectual disabilities are more likely to live in areas with severe diesel particulate pollution, 30% are more likely to live in areas with high carbon dioxide concentrations, and 30% are more likely to live in carbon monoxide concentrations. In the higher regions, the remaining 17% are more likely to live in areas with high concentrations of sulfur dioxide.

Researchers have found that mental retardation is more prevalent among children in economically disadvantaged areas, and the level of air pollution in their living environment is also becoming more and more serious. Long-term outdoor pollution in the air may hinder the development of sensory abilities, so the risk of mental retardation will increase accordingly.

Dr. Emerson said: “Compared with healthy people, the mentally handicapped in the UK is weaker and has a shorter life span. Why is air pollution behind the scenes? What solutions are needed to solve this problem? The study provides new clues to these mysteries. The findings have been published in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.

Source: Chinese Journal of Science

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