Select fox species have skills

(a) The selection of young foxes. Young foxes born that year need to make three choices, namely primary selection, selection and selection. 1, primaries: In the weaning nests. The main basis for selection is the pedigree, the traits of the parents, the date of birth and the growth and development of the fox, and so on. Requires clear pedigrees, good parental traits, early birth of the fox (silver foxes are born before April 20th, Arctic foxes are born before May 20th), and robust development. 2. Multi-selection: Silver Fox In mid-August, the Arctic fox was carried out in mid-September (ie, when the young fox was 4 months to 4.5 months old). All the young foxes with fast growth and large size (4 months old foxes, weighing 4 kg to 4.5 kg and body length of 60 cm or more) were all left. The number of stays in this election was 25 more than the number of species left at the end of the year. % to 30%. 3, selection: Before slaughtered skin (November to December). The silver fox requires black and black hairs on the body and tail, silver hairs account for more than 70%, and the silver ring has a “mist” shape. The width is not more than 10 mm to 15 mm, and the back is black, dense and densely gray. The needle hair is all light blue, no stray hair, silver strength, needle hair with luster, dense as silk. (b) The selection of adult foxes. The quality requirements for plush are the same as for young foxes. 1. Body type: In December, the male silver fox weighs more than 6 kilograms and has a body length of 65 cm or more. The female silver fox weighs 5.5 kilograms or more and has a body length of 65 cm or more. Male arctic foxes are more than 5 kilograms and their body length is longer than 63 centimeters. Female arctic foxes weigh more than 4.5 kilograms and their body length is more than 60 centimeters. Reduce small and deformed foxes. 2, reproductive performance: female silver fox more than 4 litter, more than 7 Arctic foxes, no evil, strong maternal, high milk secretion. 3, the kind of fox's age: silver fox should not exceed 5 years old, Arctic fox does not exceed 6 years old. If the fox is too old, its fertility will decline and it should be eliminated when slaughtered. People suffering from chronic diseases, loss of appetite, malnutrition, body weight loss, and hair change delay are eliminated.


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