Prevention and cure of stomatitis in livestock

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa. The veterinarian said that "mouth sores and lingual sores" include various types of glossitis, gingivitis and gingivitis. All kinds of livestock are susceptible to the disease. According to its nature, there are many types of catarrhal stomatitis, vesicular stomatitis, ulcerative stomatitis, etc. Clinically, it is characterized by feeding, chewing disorders, salivation, swelling of oral mucosa, and increased mouth temperature. Symptoms: catarrhal stomatitis: Increased oral mucosal sensitivity, slow feeding, slow chewing, flow of filamentous saliva from the mouth, rejection of oral cavity, congestion and swelling of oral mucosa, increased oral temperature, thick tongue coating, and a layer of white matter. Oral malodor, no systemic symptoms, usually 7-10 days can be more. In addition to vesicular stomatitis, vesicular stomatitis, blisters of varying sizes appeared in the oral cavity within 1-2 days of the disease, and ulceration occurred in 3-4 days. Individual body temperature of individual sheep increased, and systemic symptoms were not obvious. . Ulcerative stomatitis: There are erosions, necrosis and ulcers in the oral cavity, bleeding from the gums, saliva from the mouth that is stinking, and the appetite is reduced due to difficulties in eating. The submandibular lymph nodes and salivary glands of the sick animals have slight swelling. Usually 10-15 days can be more. Following the occurrence of stomatitis should focus on the control of primary lesions, such as complicated sepsis, the worse after. Diagnostic guidelines: Stomatitis is not difficult to diagnose based on clinical features and inflammation of the oral mucosa. Clinical attention should be paid to the identification of diseases such as pharyngitis, drug poisoning, foot-and-mouth disease, and malignant catarrhal fever. Prevention: The elimination of various factors that stimulate the oral mucosa, such as mechanical, physical and chemical factors and physiological factors (different teeth), and actively treat the primary disease of secondary stomatitis. Give clean water and a soft, nutritious green feed. Therapeutic principles: Cleanse the mouth, reduce inflammation, converge, improve feeding management, give clean drinking water and soft and nutritious feed. Can use 1% saline, 2% -3% boric acid solution, 0.1% leifonuer solution, 1% -2% alum rinse water, generally do not flow filaments prevail. Can be used when bad breath: 0.1% potassium permanganate solution, 2% -3% baking soda solution rinse mouth. The gentian violet can be applied to the ulcer surface or the lesion in the oral cavity, and iodine glycerin can be applied to the lips and corners of the mouth. For severely diseased sheep can only be combined with drug treatment: Niuhuang Jiedu pills 1.25 grams, 1.25 grams through the heart, vitamin B2, 50 mg, 2 times a day, 3 days of continuous gavage. At the same time available: 800,000 units of penicillin, 1 million units of streptomycin, 2 times a day, once every 3 days, intramuscularly.

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