Diseases, Insects, and Predator Control of Pigeons - Pigeon pox

Cause: Pigeon pox is an infectious disease caused by pigeon pox virus. The virus invades the body mainly through the skin or mucous membranes. The vector is mainly a mosquito. The pigeon house is damp and mosquitoes breed. It is more prone to pigeonholes. Symptoms: Pigeon's eyes, mouth, anus, feet, legs and less hairy skin grow pale gray pock. Loss of appetite, weight loss, severe death, pigeons of all ages can occur, but there are more pigeons and young birds. Robust adult pigeons can naturally recover from this disease, but the youngsters are in serious condition after infection. Prevention: Strengthen feeding and management, do a good job in the environmental hygiene of the loft, keep it clean, and disinfect it regularly, so that mosquitoes have nowhere to live. In addition, the use of pigeon pox production vaccinia, stabbed on the wings of pigeons, there is a preventive effect. The treatment can be applied to the affected area with sulphur powder or sulphur cream, or after cutting off the pock with scissors, apply iodine. And penicillin 1 sodium salt or Penicillium 1 salt, each pigeon 20,000 international units, diluted with water. In addition, rubbing with clotrimazole solution is also effective. China Agricultural Network Editor

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