White ginseng strain culture method

1. We put the prepared bacteria bags in the culture room prepared in advance, usually on the shelf or as a flat shelf.

2, remember the culture environment requirements when the bacteria, should be placed in a relatively ventilated and dry place.

3, especially the control of temperature should pay considerable attention, it is a critical period to determine the growth of strains. Generally, the temperature is preferably 23 to 26 ° C, not lower than 18 ° C, and not more than 32 ° C. The air humidity also needs to be strictly controlled.

4. Under normal circumstances, the indoor strain is about 7 days old, and it begins to be covered with dense white hyphae. The whole nodulation period of white ginseng is usually 10, and when tested, it is pressed with a finger to observe whether there is a depression on the bag. If there is no problem, it can be removed from the room and cultivated.

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Manual Massage Foot Spa Massager

A manual massage Foot Spa Massager is a device designed to provide a relaxing and therapeutic foot massage. It is a manually operated handheld device, which means it does not require electricity or batteries to operate. The massager is made up of several parts, including the handle, rollers, and knobs.

To use the manual massage foot spa massager, you simply place your foot on a flat surface and apply the massager to the soles of your feet. The rollers and nodules stimulate the nerves and muscles in the foot, providing a deep tissue massage that helps relieve tension and pain.

The massager is small and lightweight, so you can easily take it with you wherever you go. It's also easy to clean, just wipe with a damp cloth after each use.

Overall, the Manual Massage Foot Spa Massager is a great option for those who are looking for an easy and effective way to relax and soothe their feet. It's affordable, easy to use, and can provide a range of health benefits, including improving circulation, reducing stress, and relieving foot pain and discomfort.

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Huaian Mimir Electric Appliance Co., LTD , https://www.mimirfootspa.com